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The alias remains the same as the old (adds a # next to it)
Problem: When you save as copy, if you give the article a new title, there is no opportunity to blank out the alias so it can reset with the new article title.
When the article is saved on the front end there is no chance to give the article the 'correct title', and adjust the alias
Possibly include the 'alias' as an option in the Publishing tab so you can edit it
Alias is saved with the old article title and a #
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@chmst is this a bug? In sequencing when you 'save as copy' the article is saved at that moment, so it will automatically take on the article title and add a # after it... this way the alias is unique. Technically it is doing what it should... However from a user standpoint the front end user does not have the ability to change the alias, so once they change the title of the article, the alias is very wrong, and the article url will never be correct.
Would it be better to just 'display' the alias on the save as copy, this way the user can change it if needed?
Olivier mentioned the concerned of duplicate articles, but if that happened, I assume that joomla would error on the save, stating that there is already an article with that alias.
Consider adding Alias to EDIT ARTICLE. Currently, it exists on NEW ARTICLE, but not on EDIT.
If there is a concern that you can 'duplicate' an alias, then Joomla should return an error if that alias already exists.