User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Finder Advanced search for Joomla!. Original code for the 1.5 extension contributed by JXtended, updated for 2.5 by Michael Babker with help from a number of others.
I'd really like to see this one rebased as well. It makes for a much nicer to read history.
Also this contains a platform change, that one should probably first be submitted upstream.
Language issues:
Back-end filters are double translated.
Take off true in
<?php echo JHtml::('select.options', JHtml::('finder.mapslist'), 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.branch'), true);?>
<?php echo JHtml::('select.options', JHtml::('finder.statelist'), 'value', 'text', $this->state->get('filter.state'), true);?>
Remains Country an Region to deal with in Maps Manager. as 2 strings are missing:
Same issue: take off true in
$html .= JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $nodes, 't[]', 'class="inputbox"', 'id', 'title', $active, 'tax-' . JFilterOutput::stringUrlSafe($bv->title), true);
// Activate the highlighter if enabled.
if (!empty($this->query->highlight) && $this->params->get('highlight_terms', 1)) {
JHtml::_('finder.highlighter', $this->query->highlight);
breaks search results here.
IT looks also, here, that starting typing for joomla for example does not any more present a list of results dropping down from the search field
JM do you mean you are not getting suggested search terms?
Chris, next time you might want to try a rebase, but all that happened is that the project cms has had tons of updates and you got them all.
The highlighter issue should be fixed now.
Missing taking of 'true' line 371 of
should be:
$html .= JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $nodes, 't[]', 'class="inputbox"', 'id', 'title', $active, 'tax-' . JFilterOutput::stringUrlSafe($bv->title));
In the same file change line 369 to
$html .= JText::sprintf('COM_FINDER_FILTER_BRANCH_LABEL', JText::('COMFINDER_QUERY_FILTER_BRANCH_'.$bv->title));
to be able to use the strings:
I still can't get autocompletion here.
Also joomla.sql not installing finder correctly here. Had to discover.
Also, still missing in back-end
After changing back the plugin folder to finder, all works fine here, including auto-completion.
All finder stuff is installed as should although it was decided that the plugins would be disabled by default, if I remember well. Also I see that the site module has been published.
Committer: this needs an update sql in com_admin
i'm sending this because Michael is in transit and I wanted to make sure it gets in on time.
The sql is updated in a way that assumes that user notes is going to be merged with the changes to sql that are in that pull request.
The sample data sql enables finder and the corresponding plugins and front end module. I'd suggest this for testing during the beta period and then a decision can be made about whether to have them enabled in the release packages.
For testing, please start by clicking on the indexer in the Finder adminstrator. This could take as long as several minutes to run. At that point the features can be tested.