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Pull Request for Issue #44968 .
Added fields to the E-Mail Template Options to configure colors and fonts for the emails.
The colors were hardcoded colors to the mailtemplate. Now you can configure them in the backend.
Go to System - Mail Templates and click "Options"
Change the Mail format to "HTML" or "Both"
Below the Logo file field you can configure now the font-family for the emails and the colors for background, text and links.
You could not configure the emails.
In the fields you can add colors for you email templates
The default values are the same values as coded to the email template before.
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Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings Layout Libraries |
I thought 5,3 was in feature freeze now
I thought 5,3 was in feature freeze now
It is, can be moved to 6.0
Labels |
Language Change
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Title |
Title |
Category | Administration Language & Strings Layout Libraries | ⇒ | Administration com_banners Language & Strings Installation |
to be honest, I don't think that we should add more parameters to the configuration for something which can be easily solved via an override. Especially as the way we're looking into is to get rid of parameters in the future. So adding more should be very thought through.
Beside that we now have a hard dependency from a layout to a component, which we in general should avoid.
Also it opens a door we should not go through: when we have colours and font family as parameter, why not the padding, too (in best case for each segment individual)? Why not the sizing? Etc. There are so many combination which could be configurable but are not paid attention to, you still have to do an override to adjust them. (which you should anyways).
But then we need to remove the dark blue in the heading and in the footer. Because for most of the client websites, the colour just does not fit. And now I need to create overrides for all clients, because clients started to complain.
Another reason why I created this was that in outlook the background colour did not work. so the email background was all white. But that is solved with #44985 already.
We discussed this at the PBF to just add one colour field for the footer. But then we realised that the colour is used for the H1 as well. And when you change the background colour, you need to change the font colour too.
That is why we ended up with all the fields.
What would be your suggestions for changing the blue?
I think you should be able to adjust the brand colour here, without override
What would be your suggestions for changing the blue?
Just improve the layout itself with 6.0? Make it more neutral for example.
easily solved via an override.
@bembelimen True … if the user have developer skills.
As long as overrides missing a User Interface non-developer users needs solutions like @webgras provide.
Site templates don't have a UI for overrides
I will add documentation later