I can see all the tagged items with the intro image
Only images with no spaces in the name are shown
Joomla 5.2.3 without 3d party extensions. PHP 8.3
I know that putting spaces in image or folder names is not a good practice, but our clients may not know that and anyway it is allowed by the media manager.
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Maybe, i don't know if the images of RSS and tag list are processed in the same way.
The problem does not occur in layout blog view o article view: images with spaces are shown correctly.
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Confirmed (5.3.0-beta1)
Is it ok to post links here from my PBF instance?
Confirmed on 5.3.0-beta1
Since this is not recommended for accessibility, SEO, and browser consistency reasons why are we even allowing it / entertaining allowing spaces in filenames? (I know I am going to get beaten up for that but figured I'd ask lol)
Agreed! It would be great to have a file name sanitisation system, as JCE already does natively, for example. It would not create backward compatibility problems and would help a lot in the future.
duplicate report of #43742 ?