User should be able to login with passkey.
User get an error access denied.
Joomla! Version | Joomla! 5.2.2 Stable [ Uthabiti ] 26-November-2024 16:00 GMT
Maybe we should clear the activation flag in the user table if the user successfully logins,
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Could you check if this is fixed by #44519 ?
It didn't as that requires the user to be saved, and the user will not know why the login is failing.
We have two flags in the users db, activation and requireReset, If the user is clicking forgot password the activation flag is set. So there should be a check on the login. If successful and activation exists but not requireReset, remove the activation flag as the self reset is not required anymore.
Even the error message could be changed to password reset in progress access is denied.
Could you check if this is fixed by #44519 ?