Joomlla 4.4.8 and Joomla 5.1.4
any url where use pagenator, created like describer there:
Pagenator not save in URL some parameter which not exist in your params list, in my case "catid"
Pagenator remove it
Must save it. Any Parameter must exist in pagenator
"catid" removed from Pagenator. And any other. You save only "default list"
Error in file:
You save only parameters in url which exist in
// Platform defaults
$defaultUrlParams = [
'format' => 'CMD',
'option' => 'CMD',
'controller' => 'CMD',
'view' => 'CMD',
'layout' => 'STRING',
'task' => 'CMD',
'template' => 'CMD',
'templateStyle' => 'INT',
'tmpl' => 'CMD',
'tpl' => 'CMD',
'id' => 'STRING',
'Itemid' => 'INT',
In old Joomla version
work good
if I will use:
$defaultUrlParams = [
'format' => 'CMD',
'option' => 'CMD',
'controller' => 'CMD',
'view' => 'CMD',
'layout' => 'STRING',
'task' => 'CMD',
'template' => 'CMD',
'templateStyle' => 'INT',
'tmpl' => 'CMD',
'tpl' => 'CMD',
'catid' => 'STRING',
'id' => 'STRING',
'Itemid' => 'INT',
catid - will exist in pagenator URL
Labels |
Labels |
No Code Attached Yet
In Last Joomla versions the Pagenator API start work ONLY with parameters from this list
$defaultUrlParams = [
'format' => 'CMD',
'option' => 'CMD',
'controller' => 'CMD',
'view' => 'CMD',
'layout' => 'STRING',
'task' => 'CMD',
'template' => 'CMD',
'templateStyle' => 'INT',
'tmpl' => 'CMD',
'tpl' => 'CMD',
'id' => 'STRING',
'Itemid' => 'INT',
The if I use any other parameter "catid", "name", ......
The API with Joomla Pagenator will remove it.
Please turn OFF Router and create link to page with Pagenator - and add to that link any parameter not in your list(which I show before) - and Pagenator will not support it.
Please or fix this or return back old Pagenator file
May be
setAdditionalUrlParam('month', $state->get('filter.month'));
Is a good solution - only as result in configure able "Search forms" - will need set a lot additional settings - so more code, more complicate component, more errors, low site speed ....
and as me seem this "That behavior create a cache poisoning attack vector" must resolve with another methods
It is still not clear if you are having a problem with Joomla Core or a 3rd part extension. Please let us know.
Labels |
Information Required
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2024-11-26 17:28:30 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | Hackwar |
As you wrote yourself, this is solved by adding the additional URL parameters. This is expected behavior and because of that I unfortunately have to close this ticket.
It is not clear to me, if you are describing a problem in Joomla itself or in a third-party component. Security versions 4.4.7 and 5.1.3 introduced changes in the war pagination works. Here is an explanation and the way extensions can add parameters: https://docs.joomla.org/J5.x:Pagination_class_removes_query_parameters