I have plugins for my extensions, which display map in lightbox, and it works correctly in joomla 4.x, for example, I tested it on 4.4.6
And the same version of my plugin (the same code) doesn't correctly work in 5.1.2
I get my code and rewrite it to use com_content (article) to display
Here my PHP code to produce link to popup and modal
$popupCall = Route::_('index.php?option=com_content&id=2&tmpl=component&view=Article'
, false);
$replacementsLght = '<a class="zhgm-modal-button" title="test" href="'.$popupCall.'" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#linkModal">do test</a>';
$replacementsLght .= HTMLHelper::_(
'url' => $popupCall,
'title' => $popupTitle,
'height' => $popupHeight,
'width' => $popupWidth)
after that I do echo where I need to have this code.
Link with text and when press link - get lightbox with article with id=2
You have link, and when press you'll get popup with title but without article
There is no any code in div section with class="modal-body"
Joomla 5.1.2
When I write example I noticed, that Route::_ is case sensitive for view name (I mean that if i wrote view=article, Route return incorrect value at all). It is as for 4 as for 5 version
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