No Code Attached Yet bug
avatar samuelagus
19 Apr 2024

Steps to reproduce the issue

I'm using bootstrap.popover for my custom component in Joomla 4 to show a popover when hover in a table cell.

This is the code in /tmpl/default.php :

use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;

HTMLHelper::_('bootstrap.popover', '.hasTip', ['placement' => 'auto', 'trigger' => 'hover focus', 'customClass' => 'fs-5', 'html' => 'true', **'delayShow' => '200', 'delayHide' => '500'** ] );

And the result in the Chrome browser > Elements is like screenshot attached :
{"bootstrap.popover":{".hasTip":{"animation":true,"container":"body","delay":{"show":50,"hide":200},"html":true,"placement":"auto","trigger":"hover focus","offset":[0,10],"boundary":"scrollParent","customClass":"fs-5"}}


If in HTMLHelper I'm using for example: 'delay' => '100' or 'delay' => '250' or 'delay' => '600' (without Show & Hide value), it will do normally as expected: "delay":100 or "delay":250 or "delay":600

But If I'm using for example: 'delayShow' => '150', 'delayHide' => '400', or using other random values, the browser's Elements will show the same: "delay":{"show":50,"hide":200} like screenshot attached, the values won't be changed.
I don't know where the 50 and 200 values ​​come from? Is it possible that it is the default value for delay Show & Hide?
How to change the value of delay show & hide in bootstrap.popover ?

Expected result

If I'm set the delay value in the HTMLHelper 'bootstrap.popover': 'delayShow' => '200', 'delayHide' => '500'
It should change the delay show & delay hide value for bootstrap.popover to: "delay":{"show":200,"hide":500}
And the popover delay behavior will be adjusted according the delay value

Actual result

The delay show & delay hide value for bootstrap.popover not change whatever the value inputted in the HTMLHelper 'bootstrap.popover'.
It always show the delay value: "delay":{"show":50,"hide":200}

System information (as much as possible)

Joomla 4.4.3
PHP 8.3

Additional comments


# of Users Experiencing Issue
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avatar samuelagus samuelagus - open - 19 Apr 2024
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 19 Apr 2024
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 19 Apr 2024
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - change - 19 Apr 2024
The description was changed
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - edited - 19 Apr 2024
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - change - 19 Apr 2024
The description was changed
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - edited - 19 Apr 2024
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - change - 19 Apr 2024
The description was changed
avatar samuelagus samuelagus - edited - 19 Apr 2024
avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 21 Apr 2024

There are no delayShow and delayHide options in the class function params.

'delay' => isset($options['delay']) ? (int) $options['delay'] : ['show' => 50, 'hide' => 200],

The code above could be changed to accept an array with keys 'hide' and 'show', so the callable will be:

HTMLHelper::_('bootstrap.popover', '.hasTip', ['placement' => 'auto', 'trigger' => 'hover focus', 'customClass' => 'fs-5', 'html' => 'true', 'delay' => ['show' => '200', 'hide' => '500'] ] );
avatar Quy Quy - change - 21 Apr 2024
Labels Added: Information Required
avatar Quy Quy - labeled - 21 Apr 2024
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 21 Apr 2024

unless there is an option for the user to opt not to have automatocally disappearing content it would be an accessibility failure

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 21 Apr 2024

@brianteeman it's not about auto show/hide but rather what's the delay duration before showing/hidding the popover:

avatar Quy Quy - change - 26 Apr 2024
Status New Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2024-04-26 19:20:54
Closed_By Quy
avatar Quy Quy - close - 26 Apr 2024
avatar Quy
Quy - comment - 26 Apr 2024

Closing as not an issue. Thanks @dgrammatiko

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 26 Apr 2024

Closing as not an issue

Hmm, there is an issue, users cannot pass individual values for show/hide. The solution should be something along the lines:


        if ($selector !== '') {
            // Setup options object
            $opt = [
                'animation'         => isset($options['animation']) ? (bool) $options['animation'] : true,
                'container'         => isset($options['container']) ? $options['container'] : 'body',
                'content'           => isset($options['content']) ? $options['content'] : null,
                'delay'             => isset($options['delay']) ? (int) $options['delay'] : ['show' => 50, 'hide' => 200],
                'html'              => isset($options['html']) ? (bool) $options['html'] : true,
                'placement'         => isset($options['placement']) ? $options['placement'] : null,
                'selector'          => isset($options['selector']) ? $options['selector'] : false,
                'template'          => isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : null,
                'title'             => isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : null,
                'trigger'           => isset($options['trigger']) ? $options['trigger'] : 'click',
                'offset'            => isset($options['offset']) ? $options['offset'] : [0, 10],
                'fallbackPlacement' => isset($options['fallbackPlacement']) ? $options['fallbackPlacement'] : null,
                'boundary'          => isset($options['boundary']) ? $options['boundary'] : 'scrollParent',
                'customClass'       => isset($options['customClass']) ? $options['customClass'] : null,
                'sanitize'          => isset($options['sanitize']) ? (bool) $options['sanitize'] : null,
                'allowList'         => isset($options['allowList']) ? $options['allowList'] : null,

            Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', [$selector => (object) array_filter((array) $opt)]);


        if ($selector !== '') {
            // Setup options object
            $opt = [
                'animation'         => isset($options['animation']) ? (bool) $options['animation'] : true,
                'container'         => isset($options['container']) ? $options['container'] : 'body',
                'content'           => isset($options['content']) ? $options['content'] : null,
                'html'              => isset($options['html']) ? (bool) $options['html'] : true,
                'placement'         => isset($options['placement']) ? $options['placement'] : null,
                'selector'          => isset($options['selector']) ? $options['selector'] : false,
                'template'          => isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : null,
                'title'             => isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : null,
                'trigger'           => isset($options['trigger']) ? $options['trigger'] : 'click',
                'offset'            => isset($options['offset']) ? $options['offset'] : [0, 10],
                'fallbackPlacement' => isset($options['fallbackPlacement']) ? $options['fallbackPlacement'] : null,
                'boundary'          => isset($options['boundary']) ? $options['boundary'] : 'scrollParent',
                'customClass'       => isset($options['customClass']) ? $options['customClass'] : null,
                'sanitize'          => isset($options['sanitize']) ? (bool) $options['sanitize'] : null,
                'allowList'         => isset($options['allowList']) ? $options['allowList'] : null,

if (isset($options['delay'])) {
  if (is_array($options['delay']) {
    $opt['delay'] = [
'show' => isset($options['delay']['show']) ? int $options['delay']['show'] : 50,
'hide' => isset($options['delay']['hide']) ? int $options['delay']['hide'] : 200,
  } else {
    $opt['delay'] = (int) $options['delay'];
} else {
  $opt['delay'] = ['show' => 50, 'hide' => 200];

            Factory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('bootstrap.popover', [$selector => (object) array_filter((array) $opt)]);
avatar Quy Quy - change - 26 Apr 2024
Status Closed New
Closed_Date 2024-04-26 19:20:54
Closed_By Quy
avatar Quy Quy - reopen - 26 Apr 2024
avatar pmoscatelli
pmoscatelli - comment - 13 Sep 2024

this is an issue, actually. i've been able to reproduce it on a joomla 4.2.8 site. sorry if this is already fixed in joomla 5, havent checked.
I found it because I was following joomla doc in as to how to initialize tooltip with the delay {show,hide} option.
after applying the fix, I was able to insert this initialization in my template, and it works:

\Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('bootstrap.tooltip', '[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]', ['delay' => ['show' => '400', 'hide' => '800']]);

this fix runs correctly on joomla 4.2.8. :

    if ($selector !== '') {
        // Setup options object
        $opt['animation']         = isset($options['animation']) ? (bool) $options['animation'] : true;
        $opt['container']         = isset($options['container']) ? $options['container'] : 'body';
      //  $opt['delay']             = isset($options['delay']) ? (int) $options['delay'] : 0;  THIS LINE REMOVED, since it doesnt accept a delay object with show/hide
	$opt['delay']             = isset($options['delay']) ? (int) $options['delay'] : 0;
	$opt['delay']             = isset($options['delay']) ? (int) $options['delay'] : 0;
        $opt['html']              = isset($options['html']) ? (bool) $options['html'] : true;
        $opt['placement']         = isset($options['placement']) ? $options['placement'] : null;
        $opt['selector']          = isset($options['selector']) ? $options['selector'] : false;
        $opt['template']          = isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : null;
        $opt['title']             = isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : null;
        $opt['trigger']           = isset($options['trigger']) ? $options['trigger'] : 'hover focus';
        $opt['fallbackPlacement'] = isset($options['fallbackPlacement']) ? $options['fallbackPlacement'] : null;
        $opt['boundary']          = isset($options['boundary']) ? $options['boundary'] : 'clippingParents';
        $opt['customClass']       = isset($options['customClass']) ? $options['customClass'] : null;
        $opt['sanitize']          = isset($options['sanitize']) ? (bool) $options['sanitize'] : true;
        $opt['allowList']         = isset($options['allowList']) ? $options['allowList'] : null;
	//add new code to evaluate the delay parameter received
	if (isset($options['delay'])) {
		if (is_array($options['delay'])) {
			$opt['delay'] = [
				'show' => isset($options['delay']['show']) ? (int)$options['delay']['show'] : 100,
				'hide' => isset($options['delay']['hide']) ? (int)$options['delay']['hide'] : 200,
		} else {
			$opt['delay'] = (int) $options['delay'];

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avatar Quy Quy - change - 13 Sep 2024
Labels Added: bug
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avatar Quy Quy - labeled - 13 Sep 2024

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