Go to User Menu in Backend Top Right corner, open Accesibility settings. Set High Contrast as YES.
Then go to button Take a tour at the top of window, set same tours, for example How to create article.
Modal block with Name of tour , description, and next button is UNDER svf gray block on the page, not on the center of visible window.
joomla 4.4, joomla 5.0.3
I think problem with classes in the body tag - You need delete a11y_contrast class - and that block come back to the center. body.a11y_contrast {
filter: contrast(115%);
May be problem at this class?
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Hello @JoomlaBelarus, please check PR #43854 and see if it addresses the issue.
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Guided Tours
Sorry, that so many time dont answer. Today i go to sandbox with J4 and check the problem - it's the same. Than i update core to the last version - J 4.4.9 - still the same problem with modal windows on guided tours, bath processes.
Thank you for reporting the issue. For explanations on what is happening, you can take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52937708/why-does-applying-a-css-filter-on-the-parent-break-the-child-positioning
And add, the same problem is not only with high contrast, but with monochrome too.
We need delete class monochrome and a11y_contrast from body tag and add it to a
<div aria-describedby="tourinfo-description" aria-labelledby="tourinfo-label" role="dialog" tabindex="0" class="shepherd-has-cancel-icon shepherd-has-title shepherd-element shepherd-theme-arrows monochrome shepherd-centered shepherd-enabled" data-shepherd-step-id="tourinfo" data-popper-placement="bottom" style="position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);">
I add some link with problem here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52937708/why-does-applying-a-css-filter-on-the-parent-break-the-child-positioning