NPM Resource Changed PR-5.0-dev Pending

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avatar brianteeman
27 Nov 2023

6.8.0 - 2023-11-22


  • CSS files are now also generated as separate JS files to improve bundling of all resources. #TINY-10352
  • Added new StylesheetLoader.loadRawCss API that can be used to load CSS into a style element. #TINY-10352
  • Added new StylesheetLoader.unloadRawCss API that can be used to unload CSS that was loaded into a style element. #TINY-10352
  • Added force_hex_color editor option. Option 'always' converts all RGB & RGBA colours to hex, 'rgb_only' will only convert RGB and not RGBA colours to hex, 'off' won't convert any colours to hex. #TINY-9819
  • Added default_font_stack editor option that makes it possible to define what is considered a system font stack. #TINY-10290
  • New sandbox_iframes option that controls whether iframe elements will be added a sandbox="" attribute to mitigate malicious intent. #TINY-10348
  • New convert_unsafe_embeds option that controls whether <object> and <embed> elements will be converted to more restrictive alternatives, namely <img> for image MIME types, <video> for video MIME types, <audio> audio MIME types, or <iframe> for other or unspecified MIME types. #TINY-10349


  • Colorpicker now includes the Brightness/Saturation selector and hue slider in the keyboard navigable items. #TINY-9287
  • Improved the tooltips of picker buttons for the urlinput components in the "Insert/Edit Image" and "Insert/Edit Link" dialogs. #TINY-10155
  • Inline dialog will now respect size: 'large' argument in the dialog spec. #TINY-10209
  • SVG elements and their children are now retained when configured as valid elements. #TINY-10237
  • Bespoke dropdown toolbar buttons including align, fontfamily, fontsize, blocks, and styles did not include their visible text labels in their accessible names. #TINY-10147


  • Editor would convert urls that are not http/s or relative resulting in broken links. #TINY-10153
  • Calling the setProgressState API would cause the window to be scrolled when the editor wasn't fully visible. #TINY-10172
  • Applying heading formatting to the content of the summary element extended its application to the content of the parent details element. #TINY-10154
  • Setting the content with an attribute that contains a self-closing HTML tag did not preserve the tag. #TINY-10088
  • Screen readers now announce the selected color of forecolor and backcolor buttons. #TINY-9796
  • Resize handles would not appear on editable images in a non-editable context. #TINY-10118
  • Corrections and copy-edits to the addIcon API documentation. #TINY-10230
  • The dialog size was not updated when the size argument was changed when redialling a dialog. #TINY-10209
  • Toggling a list that contains an LI element having another list as its first child would remove the remaining content within that LI element. #TINY-10213
  • Custom block element wasn't considered block element in some cases. #TINY-10139
  • The editor no longer forcefully takes focus when a notification closes while the focus is outside of the editor. #TINY-10282
  • An empty element with a contenteditable="true" attribute within a table cell would not be treated as content and get removed if backspace or delete was being pressed. #TINY-10010
  • Removing an LI element containing a details element would incorrectly merge its content. #TINY-10133
  • The function getModifierState did not work on events passed through the editor as expected. #TINY-10263
  • Search and replace plugin would incorrectly find matching text inside non-editable root elements. #TINY-10162
  • Removed use of async for editor rendering which caused visual blinking when reloading the editor in-place. #TINY-10249
  • Toggling off one format on the caret when multiple formats was toggled on would toggle all of them off. #TINY-10132
  • Merging an external p inside a list via delete or backspace would incorrectly try to move a parent element inside a child element. #TINY-10289
  • Directionality would not be consistently applied to the entire accordion block. #TINY-10291
  • The fontsizeinput toolbar item was causing console warnings when toolbar items were clicked. #TINY-10330
  • Menubar buttons with more than one word would sometimes wrap into two lines. #TINY-10343
  • Creating a new li via enter inside a nested list would not inherit styles from the source li. #TINY-10316
  • Screen readers now announce the active autocompleter item. #TINY-9393
  • Dialog collection items would not display any icons chosen from icon pack. #TINY-10174

Pull Request for Issue # .

Summary of Changes

Testing Instructions

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Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

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avatar brianteeman brianteeman - open - 27 Nov 2023
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 27 Nov 2023
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 27 Nov 2023
Category NPM Change Front End Plugins
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - close - 28 Nov 2023
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - change - 28 Nov 2023
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2023-11-28 06:33:08
Closed_By HLeithner
Labels Added: NPM Resource Changed PR-5.0-dev
avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 28 Nov 2023

I'm closing this because dependency updates are normally part of beta1 for minor/major updates. For patch level only security updates are planed for dependencies.

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