Feature No Code Attached Yet Guided Tours
avatar stevenoyer
21 Sep 2023

Steps to reproduce the issue

We are currently experiencing an issue when creating a guided tour. In an article, we use a custom field of type "subform" which contains multiple fields. When the guided tour is initiated, we proceed through the steps until we reach the "subform" field. Upon clicking the plus (+) button, the subform field block is created correctly. However, the fields within this block are not highlighted during the guided tour, resulting in the user not receiving the necessary guidance.

However, if we save our article at this point after adding a subform using the plus (+) button and then relaunch the guided tour, the fields are properly highlighted. Therefore, we assume that this issue stems from the fact that the JavaScript script does not take into account the HTML code of the new block, preventing it from targeting the subform fields correctly.

System information (as much as possible)

Joomla 4.3.4

Thank you for your assistance.

avatar stevenoyer stevenoyer - open - 21 Sep 2023
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 21 Sep 2023
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 21 Sep 2023
avatar obuisard
obuisard - comment - 21 Sep 2023

Hello Steven @stevenoyer,
the guided tours do not take into account elements created 'on the fly' in the interface, only elements that exist at the time a step is shown.
I don't have a solution at this time, but we will take that issue into account and see if this is something that can be improved.
Thank you!

avatar Quy Quy - change - 22 Sep 2023
Labels Added: Feature
avatar Quy Quy - labeled - 22 Sep 2023
avatar obuisard obuisard - change - 26 Jul 2024
Issue with Subform Field Highlighting During Guided Tour Creation
[Guided tours] Issue with Subform Field Highlighting During Guided Tour Creation
avatar obuisard obuisard - edited - 26 Jul 2024
avatar obuisard obuisard - change - 13 Sep 2024
Labels Added: Guided Tours
avatar obuisard obuisard - labeled - 13 Sep 2024

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