Feature No Code Attached Yet
avatar apaulo
21 Jun 2023

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Setup a component with config.xml that includes a subform and at least one more field:
<field name="textparam" type="text" default="" label="some text" description="" />
<field name="subformparam" type="subform" formsource="[path to mysubform.xml]" multiple="true" label="some fields" description=""/>
  1. Define the mysubform.xml and place it on [path to mysubform.xml]:
<field name="subformtext1" type="text" default="" label="sub form text 1" description="" />
<field name="subformtext2" type="text" default="" label="sub form text 2" description="" />
  1. For that same component setup a view that included the same fields as config.xml created on step 1: [tmpl name].xml for that view's layout.

  2. Set component params - do enter some values both on the text and on the subform

  3. Create a menu entry for that same view and save it leaving both text and the subform fields empty (no entries on the subform at all)

  4. Check the view params via code with print_r(Factory::getApplication()->getParams()).

Expected result

Both "textparam" and "subformparam" should show the component settings, as the settings for the menu are empty.

Actual result

"textparam" does show the value set for the component settings
"subformparam" shows an empty array

System information (as much as possible)

Joomla 4.3.2

Additional comments

avatar apaulo apaulo - open - 21 Jun 2023
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 21 Jun 2023
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 21 Jun 2023
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 28 Mar 2024
Labels Added: Feature
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - labeled - 28 Mar 2024

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