? ? PR-4.3-dev Pending

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avatar beni71
27 May 2023

Pull Request for Issue #39769

Summary of Changes

Fixed/changed the url of the joomla update error help button

Testing Instructions

(It doesn't update joomla, it generates an error instead)

  1. In the backend navigate to System
  2. Under "Update" click Joomla. You will see the view of: administrator/index.php?option=com_joomlaupdate
  3. Click the button "Upload and Update"
  4. Instead of selecting a regular zipped version on Joomla, select a picture of type .png
  5. Set the check box "I'm aware that a backup before any update is highly recommended."
  6. Click the button "Upload & Install"
  7. Confirm the action, if needed and start the installation.
  8. This should result in an error like:
  9. Click on the button "Get help with this error"

Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request

Instead of showing a help page, there is an error:

404 - RuntimeException
Error fetching page from MediaWiki API: The page you specified doesn't exist.

=> url: https://help.joomla.org/proxy?keyref=Help43:JHELP_COMPONENTS_JOOMLA_UPDATE&lang=en

Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

The following help/doc page should be visualized:

Joomla Update Problems

(the content of this page is under construction)

=> url: https://docs.joomla.org/Special:MyLanguage/J4.x:Joomla_Update_Problems

Link to documentations

Please select:

avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 27 May 2023
Category Administration com_joomlaupdate
avatar beni71 beni71 - open - 27 May 2023
avatar beni71 beni71 - change - 27 May 2023
Status New Pending
avatar beni71 beni71 - change - 27 May 2023
The description was changed
avatar beni71 beni71 - edited - 27 May 2023
avatar beni71 beni71 - change - 27 May 2023
Labels Added: PR-4.3-dev
avatar ceford ceford - test_item - 27 May 2023 - Tested successfully
avatar ceford
ceford - comment - 27 May 2023

I have tested this item successfully on 0727587

I have updated the referenced page with a revised introduction and some screen shots. I also learned a few things! Good to go.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/40670.

avatar ChristineWk ChristineWk - test_item - 27 May 2023 - Tested successfully
avatar ChristineWk
ChristineWk - comment - 27 May 2023

I have tested this item successfully on 0727587

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/40670.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 27 May 2023

not convinced that it is correct to change the url from the help domain

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 29 May 2023

not convinced that it is correct to change the url from the help domain

I think it needs to be checked by the release leads. @sdwjoomla @obuisard

avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 29 May 2023
Status Pending Ready to Commit
avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 29 May 2023

RTC as it has 2 successful tests (which might get lost in the counter when doing a branch update). But it still requires a final decision.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/40670.

avatar ceford
ceford - comment - 29 May 2023

This particular page is not used as a Help page via a Help button. It is used as an external link. That is why I suggested it should have the J4.x namespace. It is similar to the Forgot your login details? link on the Admin login page.

avatar obuisard
obuisard - comment - 29 May 2023

What I can see at first glance is that the help language key is not translated. The page it points to DOES exist: https://help.joomla.org/proxy?keyref=Help43:Components_Joomla_Update&lang=en. We should probably fix the area in the code where the language key is supposed to be replaced with its translation.

avatar obuisard
obuisard - comment - 29 May 2023

We should probably have
$helpUrl = Help::createUrl(Text::_('JHELP_COMPONENTS_JOOMLA_UPDATE'), false);
rather than the new URL.

avatar ceford
ceford - comment - 29 May 2023

Search for all instance of JHELP_ in the .ini files of a Joomla 4 installation. There are none! Search for all Instance in .php files - there are 4 but no way use them. All of these JHELP language strings were removed for the Joomla 4 release. Look at the bottom of any admin HtmlView page. You will see the actual filename. Example: $toolbar->help('Articles');

avatar obuisard
obuisard - comment - 29 May 2023

Yes, I just realized that looking at the code.
Then the proper replacement should be:
$helpUrl = Help::createUrl('Components_Joomla_Update', false);

avatar ceford
ceford - comment - 29 May 2023

Yes, I just realized that looking at the code. Then the proper replacement should be: $helpUrl = Help::createUrl('Components_Joomla_Update', false);

No! Leave it exactly as it is in the PR we tested. This is an external link that should not go through the proxy server. And you keep quoting an out of date naming convention. This filename is the same as the title. This is Joomla Update Problems and not Components Joomla Update.

avatar sdwjoomla sdwjoomla - change - 2 Jun 2023
Labels Added: ? ?
avatar sdwjoomla sdwjoomla - close - 2 Jun 2023
avatar sdwjoomla sdwjoomla - merge - 2 Jun 2023
avatar sdwjoomla sdwjoomla - change - 2 Jun 2023
Status Ready to Commit Fixed in Code Base
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2023-06-02 23:23:33
Closed_By sdwjoomla
avatar sdwjoomla
sdwjoomla - comment - 2 Jun 2023

Thanks beni71

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