On a site that needs updating
Make sure that your database structure is reporting an issue
eg edit the value of version_id in the #_schemas table
Try to update with the update component
You can not because of the database structure error which is a required check
Now try to update using the cli
`php cli/joomla.php core:update
Update is not able to proceed because of the database structure issue
Update takes place
Either the database structure check test is not important and shouldnt be required in the component OR the cli update should check the structure befiore installing.
I suspect the correct thing is the latter
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what exactly do you mean ? all that are present here
btw for the schema see #40461
The schema check would also included in the above getPhpOptions method:
Lines 1099 to 1104 in c93bdfd
that's pretty unusable from CLI, it was introduced in 3.10 iirc, so...
@alikon P.S.: Your PR #40461 just adds a check for the database schema version. But what the check in the component does with the $this->getDatabaseSchemaCheck()
is that it runs the complete database check like the database checker does when you go to it. I.e. it does not only check for that error with not matching schema version but for any structure errors. The not matching schema version in Brian's issue was just an example how to make that test fail. So I think your PR #40461 is not really sufficient.
yes i know that, and it will imply a complete re-think of the whole "thing" on both sides
...1 small step at time...
Well, but the PR does not completely solve the issue, it solves only a part, so that should be made clear in the description of that PR.
that's why i've not closed this ... i'll update the pr description too for avoid confusion
The new PR #40468 for the core schema check works, I have just tested with success.
What remains are checks for the other required PHP & database settings from
:Problem is that it needs to have fetched the update information before the check because some checks require that information, e.g. minimum PHP version or database supported.
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I would say this applies to all required checks in the component.