How to reproduce the problem and/or test the patch::
Using Isis or any other Bootstrap-based template, have a look at a form with a 'checkboxes' field. The spacing and positioning is just not right.
Successful Tests:
Checkboxes badly rendered with bootstrap
The proper way to do checkboxes in Bootstrap is to wrap the input tag inside the label and give the label (not the input) the class 'checkbox'. When doing it this way, the label does not need a 'for' attribute and the input does not need an id. The label is automatically associated with an input that it wraps.
I suppose radio buttons should also be done this way.
so is this patch already merged? becaue before apply the checkboxes are shown in /administrator/index.php?option=com_templates&view=style&layout=edit&id=7 like you described in the tracker...
@designbengel No, unbelievably, this has still not been merged. The checkboxes you are talking about (I guess on the assignment tab) are not rendered with JForm, they're done directly in the template file. The purpose of this patch is to make JForm's rendering work more flexibly. Anyway, thanks for reminding me about this PR. I've now rebased it and made a minor change to modernize it a little. It should merge without issue and is kind of an obvious improvement.