No Code Attached Yet a11y bug Guided Tours
avatar brianteeman
4 Mar 2023

Steps to reproduce the issue

See video recording - keyboard navigation only - all key presses highlighted on screen by external software
Creating seperate issue for each bug report so that they dont get lost inside a bigger report (again)

When the step is at a toggle button then the keyboard will only navigate to the cancel button. (unless you go backwards)


The requirement to use a mouse to successfully use the Guided Tours component is an accessibility failure and breaks our commitment to providing an accessible way to use Joomla

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - open - 4 Mar 2023
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 4 Mar 2023
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 4 Mar 2023
avatar drmenzelit drmenzelit - change - 5 Mar 2023
Labels Added: a11y
avatar drmenzelit drmenzelit - labeled - 5 Mar 2023
avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 5 Mar 2023
Labels Added: bug
avatar richard67 richard67 - labeled - 5 Mar 2023
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 1 Apr 2023

still not possible to use the keyboard to set a toggle button

avatar GeraintEdwards
GeraintEdwards - comment - 4 Jul 2023

@brianteeman The issue is that the 'input' element targetted by the tour is not visible and not available for keyboard actions as a result. If you change the selector for this step to

#jform_sendEmail label[for=jform_sendEmail0]

then it will respond to left/right arrows once you have focus on the element.

It looks rather strange though and is confusing to use and there is another complication in that the 'blur' event doesn't fire so you have to tab to get to the next step in the tour.

The real issue I think is that the .switcher wrapper should ideally respond to keyboard events and not rely on the label being 'clicked'

I have a enhancement available soon for the tour where input fields will automatically receive focus once the step if shown which would make keyboard interaction a LOT easier. This still suffers from the lack of response to the 'blur' event though - need to think more on that one.

avatar GeraintEdwards
GeraintEdwards - comment - 6 Jul 2023

I have a fix for this which will be in a PR for Joomla 5 along with some other enhancements. It works by allowing the tour step to highlight one element (the switcher as a whole) but set the focus on a different element.

avatar Hackwar Hackwar - labeled - 25 Aug 2023
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 25 Aug 2023
Labels Added: PBF
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 1 Sep 2023
Labels Removed: PBF
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - unlabeled - 1 Sep 2023
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2024

@GeraintEdwards did you ever submit that fix?

avatar obuisard obuisard - change - 26 Jul 2024
Guided Tours - toggle buttons
[Guided tours] toggle buttons
avatar obuisard obuisard - edited - 26 Jul 2024
avatar obuisard
obuisard - comment - 27 Jul 2024

The arrow keys should allow the user to step through the switcher buttons. So far it has not been fixed.
Geraint @GeraintEdwards, would you have any update?

avatar obuisard obuisard - change - 13 Sep 2024
Labels Added: Guided Tours
avatar obuisard obuisard - labeled - 13 Sep 2024

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