Check the RSS feed for any tag (Menu Item Type: Tagged Items)
RSS feed should contain intro image in and should show the article category in .
The field does not include the intro image.
The item in the RSS feed is not the article category but it shows the items Title instead.
Joomla 4.1.5
PHP 8.0
This is the file in question:
no image and wrong code for category:
($feeditem->category = $title;)
Labels |
No Code Attached Yet
Labels |
same here
About intro image:
com_tag's FeedView doesn't handle intro images like com_content does.
To fix, I added to the use block:
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;
And this for the loop:
$obj = json_decode($item->core_images);
$img = '';
if (!empty($obj->image_intro)) {
$img = '
' . HTMLHelper::_('image', $obj->image_intro, $obj->image_intro_alt) . '
$description = $img.$item->core_body;
Thanks for the solution. It works perfectly.
This code snippet should be integrated in the next version of Joomla.
We have the same problem. In the case of tagged items menu, the intro image is missing from the feed.
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