This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
joomla/application ~2.0
joomla/archive ~2.0
joomla/authentication ~2.0
joomla/console ~2.0
joomla/crypt ~2.0
joomla/data ~2.0
joomla/database ~2.0
joomla/di ~2.0
joomla/event ~2.0
joomla/filter ~2.0
joomla/filesystem ~2.0
joomla/http ~2.0
joomla/input ~2.0
joomla/ldap ~2.0
joomla/oauth1 ~2.0
joomla/oauth2 ~2.0
joomla/registry ~2.0
joomla/router ~2.0
joomla/session ~2.0
joomla/string ~2.0
joomla/uri ~2.0
joomla/utilities ~2.0
algo26-matthias/idna-convert ~3.0
defuse/php-encryption ~2.1
doctrine/inflector ~1.3
fig/link-util ~1.0
google/recaptcha ~1.1
laminas/laminas-diactoros ^2.2.2
paragonie/sodium_compat ^1.17
phpmailer/phpmailer ~6.0
psr/link ~1.0
symfony/console ~5.0
symfony/error-handler ^5.2
symfony/ldap ~5.0
symfony/options-resolver ~5.0
symfony/polyfill-php73 ^1.10
symfony/web-link ~5.0
symfony/yaml ~5.0
typo3/phar-stream-wrapper ~3.1
wamania/php-stemmer ^2.0
willdurand/negotiation ^3.0
psr/log ~1.0
web-auth/webauthn-lib 2.1.*
composer/ca-bundle ^1.2
dragonmantank/cron-expression ^3.1
enshrined/svg-sanitize ^0.15.4
lcobucci/jwt ^3.4.6
web-token/signature-pack ^2.2.11
phpseclib/bcmath_compat ^2.0
jfcherng/php-diff ^6.10
phpunit/phpunit ^8.5
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^3.0
squizlabs/php_codesniffer ~3.0
joomla-projects/joomla-browser ~4.0
codeception/codeception ~4.0
dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer ^0.7.0
joomla/mediawiki ^1.0
joomla/test ~2.0
codeception/module-asserts ^1.0
codeception/module-db ^1.0
codeception/module-rest ^1.0
codeception/module-webdriver ^1.0
codeception/module-phpbrowser ^1.0
hoa/console ^3.17
phan/phan ^5.4
@claviska/jquery-minicolors ^2.3.6
@fortawesome/fontawesome-free ^5.15.4
@joomla/joomla-a11y-checker ^1.0.0
@popperjs/core ^2.11.0
@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs ^2.6.0
accessibility ^3.0.14
awesomplete ^1.1.5
bootstrap ~5.1.3
choices.js ^9.0.1
chosen-js ^1.8.7
codemirror ^5.65.0
cropperjs ^1.5.12
diff ^5.0.0
dragula ^3.7.3
focus-visible ^5.2.0
hotkeys-js ^3.9.3
joomla-ui-custom-elements ^0.2.0
jquery ^3.6.0
jquery-migrate ^3.3.2
mark.js ^8.11.1
mediaelement ^5.0.4
metismenujs ^1.3.1
punycode ^2.1.1
qrcode-generator ^1.4.4
roboto-fontface ^0.10.0
rtlcss ^3.5.0
short-and-sweet ^1.0.4
skipto ^4.1.6
tinymce ^5.10.2
vue 3.2.26
vuex ^4.0.2
vuex-persistedstate ^4.1.0
@babel/core ^7.16.0
@babel/preset-env ^7.16.4
@dgrammatiko/compress ^1.0.4
@rollup/plugin-babel ^5.3.0
@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^21.0.1
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^13.0.6
@rollup/plugin-replace ^3.0.0
@vue/compiler-sfc ^3.2.26
autoprefixer ^10.4.0
chokidar ^3.5.2
commander ^8.3.0
core-js ^3.19.3
cssnano ^5.0.12
cypress ^10.3.1
eslint ^8.4.1
eslint-config-airbnb-base ^15.0.0
eslint-plugin-import ^2.25.3
eslint-plugin-vue ^8.2.0
fs-extra ^10.0.0
ini ^2.0.0
jasmine-core ^3.10.1
joomla-cypress ^0.0.16
karma ^6.3.14
karma-coverage ^2.1.0
karma-firefox-launcher ^2.1.2
karma-fixture ^0.2.6
karma-html2js-preprocessor ^1.1.0
karma-jasmine ^4.0.1
karma-jasmine-ajax ^0.1.13
karma-json-fixtures-preprocessor 0.0.6
karma-verbose-reporter ^0.0.6
postcss ^8.4.4
postcss-scss ^4.0.2
recursive-readdir ^2.2.2
rimraf ^3.0.2
rollup ^2.61.1
rollup-plugin-vue ^6.0.0
sass-embedded ^1.54.4
selenium-standalone ^8.0.8
stylelint ^14.1.0
stylelint-config-standard ^24.0.0
stylelint-order ^5.0.0
stylelint-scss ^4.0.1
terser ^5.7.0
node >=16
npm >=8.5.5
joomla/application ~2.0
joomla/archive ~2.0
joomla/authentication ~2.0
joomla/console ~2.0
joomla/crypt ~2.0
joomla/data ~2.0
joomla/database ~2.0
joomla/di ~2.0
joomla/event ~2.0
joomla/filter ~2.0
joomla/filesystem ~2.0
joomla/http ~2.0
joomla/input ~2.0
joomla/oauth1 ~2.0
joomla/oauth2 ~2.0
joomla/registry ~2.0
joomla/router ~2.0
joomla/session ~2.0
joomla/string ~2.0
joomla/uri ~2.0
joomla/utilities ~2.0
algo26-matthias/idna-convert ~3.0
defuse/php-encryption ~2.1
doctrine/inflector ~1.3
fig/link-util ~1.0
google/recaptcha ~1.1
laminas/laminas-diactoros ^2.2.2
paragonie/sodium_compat ^1.17
phpmailer/phpmailer ~6.0
psr/link ~1.0
symfony/console ~5.0
symfony/error-handler ^5.2
symfony/ldap ~5.0
symfony/options-resolver ~5.0
symfony/web-link ~5.0
symfony/yaml ~5.0
typo3/phar-stream-wrapper ~3.1
wamania/php-stemmer ^2.0
willdurand/negotiation ^3.0
psr/log ~1.0
web-auth/webauthn-lib 2.1.*
composer/ca-bundle ^1.2
dragonmantank/cron-expression ^3.1
enshrined/svg-sanitize ^0.15.4
lcobucci/jwt ^3.4.6
web-token/signature-pack ^2.2.11
phpseclib/bcmath_compat ^2.0
jfcherng/php-diff ^6.10
phpunit/phpunit ^8.5
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^3.0
squizlabs/php_codesniffer ~3.0
joomla-projects/joomla-browser ~4.0
codeception/codeception ~4.0
dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer ^0.7.0
joomla/mediawiki ^2.0
joomla/test ~2.0
codeception/module-asserts ^1.0
codeception/module-db ^1.0
codeception/module-rest ^1.0
codeception/module-webdriver ^1.0
codeception/module-phpbrowser ^1.0
hoa/console ^3.17
phan/phan ^5.4
@claviska/jquery-minicolors ^2.3.6
@fortawesome/fontawesome-free ^5.15.4
@joomla/joomla-a11y-checker ^1.0.0
@popperjs/core ^2.11.0
@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs ^2.6.0
accessibility ^3.0.14
awesomplete ^1.1.5
bootstrap ~5.1.3
choices.js ^9.0.1
chosen-js ^1.8.7
codemirror ^5.65.0
cropperjs ^1.5.12
diff ^5.0.0
dragula ^3.7.3
focus-visible ^5.2.0
hotkeys-js ^3.9.3
joomla-ui-custom-elements ^0.2.0
jquery ^3.6.0
jquery-migrate ^3.3.2
mark.js ^8.11.1
mediaelement ^5.0.4
metismenujs ^1.3.1
punycode ^2.1.1
qrcode-generator ^1.4.4
roboto-fontface ^0.10.0
rtlcss ^3.5.0
short-and-sweet ^1.0.4
skipto ^4.1.6
tinymce ^6.1.2
vue 3.2.26
vuex ^4.0.2
vuex-persistedstate ^4.1.0
@babel/core ^7.16.0
@babel/preset-env ^7.16.4
@dgrammatiko/compress ^1.0.4
@rollup/plugin-babel ^5.3.0
@rollup/plugin-commonjs ^21.0.1
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve ^13.0.6
@rollup/plugin-replace ^3.0.0
@vue/compiler-sfc ^3.2.26
autoprefixer ^10.4.0
chokidar ^3.5.2
commander ^8.3.0
core-js ^3.19.3
cssnano ^5.0.12
cypress ^10.3.1
eslint ^8.4.1
eslint-config-airbnb-base ^15.0.0
eslint-plugin-import ^2.25.3
eslint-plugin-vue ^8.2.0
fs-extra ^10.0.0
ini ^2.0.0
jasmine-core ^3.10.1
joomla-cypress ^0.0.16
karma ^6.3.14
karma-coverage ^2.1.0
karma-firefox-launcher ^2.1.2
karma-fixture ^0.2.6
karma-html2js-preprocessor ^1.1.0
karma-jasmine ^4.0.1
karma-jasmine-ajax ^0.1.13
karma-json-fixtures-preprocessor 0.0.6
karma-verbose-reporter ^0.0.6
postcss ^8.4.4
postcss-scss ^4.0.2
recursive-readdir ^2.2.2
rimraf ^3.0.2
rollup ^2.61.1
rollup-plugin-vue ^6.0.0
sass-embedded ^1.54.4
selenium-standalone ^8.0.8
stylelint ^14.1.0
stylelint-config-standard ^24.0.0
stylelint-order ^5.0.0
stylelint-scss ^4.0.1
terser ^5.7.0
node >=16
npm >=8.5.5
Labels |
No Code Attached Yet
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2024-03-08 15:10:58 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | Quy |