User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
New feature
Thanks to @brianteeman for the idea.
New task plugin to check in all checked out items.
You can also set a delay time in hours, then only items that are checkout before actual - delay time will be checked in.
Documentation needs to be updated
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings Front End Plugins |
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Language Change
Nice plugin but blindly checking in all it's seems wrong to me. Can we get a parameter which allows us to configure an expire timeframe?
Something lime "Minutes to expire" default 60?
I just wanted to say the same.
Nice plugin but blindly checking in all it's seems wrong to me. Can we get a parameter which allows us to configure an expire timeframe?
Something lime "Minutes to expire" default 60?
I just wanted to say the same.
Except the core component does it blindly as well
Can you please use the modern way with a service provider.
Nice plugin but blindly checking in all it's seems wrong to me. Can we get a parameter which allows us to configure an expire timeframe?
Something lime "Minutes to expire" default 60?I just wanted to say the same.
Except the core component does it blindly as well
The core component is change controlled by a human while a scheduler task runs unattended.
Changed so that you can set a delay time.
needs a bit more time fighting with the service provider
PHPCS failing in drone:
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Maintainers Checked
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Maintainers Checked
Category | Administration Language & Strings Front End Plugins | ⇒ | SQL Administration com_admin Postgresql Language & Strings Installation Libraries Front End Plugins |
This pull requests has been automatically converted to the PSR-12 coding standard.
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Maintainers Checked
Hi there.
What is the status of this PR? What is preventing it from being merged?
It would indeed be interesting to have more useful / practical examples of working Tasks :)
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Without knowing that this PR had be proposed as core plugin already I have published an extension called plg_task_checkin: I have also been asked to contribute it back as plg_task_globalcheckin (#39323). I have closed said PR so this PR can be taken but I would like to ask to rename the core plugin to plg_task_globalcheckin to not conflict with the now published to the live extension.
Thanks :)
This pull request has been automatically rebased to 5.0-dev. No new features will be merged into Joomla! 4.3 series. Joomla! 4.4 series is a bridge release to make migration from Joomla! 4 to 5 as smooth as possible.
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Removed: ? ? |
@richard67 Do we need to rename the sql files?
@richard67 Do we need to rename the sql files?
Yes, e.g. to "5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql" (or anything else with 5.0.0 and a date younger than 2023-03-17).
Yes, e.g. to "5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql" (or anything else with 5.0.0 and a date younger than 2023-03-17).
Younger? 5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql is older as 2023-03-17, I am confused
Yes, e.g. to "5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql" (or anything else with 5.0.0 and a date younger than 2023-03-17).
Younger? 5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql is older as 2023-03-17, I am confused
No. June 23 is newer (or younger) than March 17, or not?
I renamed the files. Thanks @richard67
This is now ready to test.
Meanwhile the newest update SQL script in 5.0-dev is "5.0.0-2023-07-25.sql" so the scripts "5.0.0-2023-06-23.sql" in this PR need to be renamed to something newer that that, e.g. to "5.0.0-2023-07-26.sql".
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@rdeutz It needs to rename the update SQL scripts again because meanwhile we have some with a higher schema version (base name) in the repo so yours would not run on an update. I suggest to rename them to "5.0.0-2023-08-27.sql" because there are other PR's proposed which will already use "5.0.0-2023-08-22.sql" to "5.0.0-2023-08-26.sql".
@richard67 done, with a bit luck some tests today and we can merge this
@richard67 done, with a bit luck some tests today and we can merge this
@rdeutz Thanks.
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 6b3e80e
also check articles on two different times
tested on J 5.0.0-beta1-dev
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 6b3e80e
some kind of cache issue
btw i'm fully confortable with this pr
waiting for the last mile
i'll redo my test
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 6b3e80e
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 6b3e80e
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2023-08-26 13:51:43 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | HLeithner |
finally thanks all
Thanks to all who helped to get this done
Nice plugin but blindly checking in all it's seems wrong to me. Can we get a parameter which allows us to configure an expire timeframe?
Something lime "Minutes to expire" default 60?