No Code Attached Yet a11y J4 Issue bug
avatar brianteeman
30 Mar 2022

Steps to reproduce the issue

Create a menu of type Articles Category List
Create a menu of type List all contacts in a category

Enable the display filter option in both

In both components a filter field with a filter button is displayed. ✔️✔️
In both components the filter is activated not by the button but simply by moving the focus anywhere other than the filter

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - open - 30 Mar 2022
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 30 Mar 2022
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 30 Mar 2022
avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 30 Mar 2022
Labels Added: a11y
avatar richard67 richard67 - labeled - 30 Mar 2022
avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 30 Mar 2022
Labels Added: J4 Issue
avatar richard67 richard67 - labeled - 30 Mar 2022
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 17 Feb 2023
Labels Added: bug
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - labeled - 17 Feb 2023

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