Create an article. Type something in the content. Select save. Type "Edit" to return to enter edit mode for the same article.
Type some words to update the article. Then select save.
The system shall spin during saving process.
Please note the duration of the spinning time. Instantly or 3~5 seconds.
Make sure your article is saved with new update.
If not, user will have to select "<--" (Back button) on the browser to return to the article in editor mode, and select save again.
The system shall save properly as the system shall spin longer during saving process.
System shall spin for a few seconds during saving process
Occasionally, system spin for one second and jump out of editor mode
You may contact me at, Bryan Chong.
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No Code Attached Yet
The bug may not happen in the first attempt. Try it for 10 times, you will definitely get one.
If that were true this would not be the first report
Type some words to update the article. Then select save.
So clearly something is happening onsave that is causing the problem.
You didnt provide any system information as requested so its impossible to debug. You should look at all plugins that operate onsave/aftersave for example the smartsearch content plugin.
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Information Required
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This issue retain in Joomla 4.1
Please give this issue a meaningful title.
The bug may not happen in the first attempt. Try it for 10 times, you will definitely get one.
If that were true this would not be the first report
Type some words to update the article. Then select save.
So clearly something is happening onsave that is causing the problem.
You didnt provide any system information as requested so its impossible to debug. You should look at all plugins that operate onsave/aftersave for example the smartsearch content plugin.
I have updated system info. Let me know what other info do u need.
Title |
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2022-02-21 21:52:41 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | Quy |
Please give this issue a meaningful title.