User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Basically, if there is a library prefix 'R' and another 'Red', it will try to find classes from Red library in R library, and fail, so the Red classes will never be autoloaded.
this is something that is fixed in 3.x version
Joomla 2.5.25-dev
Installed redEVENT 2.5.b.5.7.2
tehn the Admin component gave this error:
ATTENTION: redform.core.php not found. A compatible version of redFORM component is MANDATORY for redEVENT to work properly.
Installed redCORE 1.20 from here
but could not complete installation:
500 - An error has occurred.
JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1025 - Error on rename of './joomla_2@002e5_jbs_brochuresample/l8ex3_banner_clients_rctranslations' to './joomla_2@002e5_jbs_brochuresample/#sql2-1ed-7e' (errno: 152) SQL=ALTER TABLE l8ex3_banner_clients_rctranslations
DROP FOREIGN KEY d5f871880cbf2de8c8b8a945c01f2e56
Tracker item Moved to Needs Review
well, the message says you need redFORM, not redCORE ;)
So do we need redCORE as well to test this bug, as explained in the test Instructions?
Moving the tracker to Information Required by the way ;-)
i discussed with redCORE team, it appears that it's just a one time upgrade bug due to an older preversion of redCORE. You can actually install it by turning debug off....
So this can be closed?
no it means it's possible to test it... However, it's the same code as on 3.x, and if it wouldn't work, nothing would load at all.
ok guys, getting serious, i updated the PR with loader unit test, that tries to use 2 libraries sharing same prefix start (Dummy / Dummya).
You can run the test with the modified loader.php, and try it again with current (previous) loader, you will see the difference
Perfect timing, I've just downloaded redForm, and was going to test again ;-)
you can test with redform if you like, but the unit test should in fact cover it. Just run it with and without the modification.
sorry you lost me there... How do I test without the modification (to reproduce the problem)? And how with the modif?
first, you can see that the modification works without regression by just having joomla properly displaying, as if the library wouldn't load, it plain wouldn't work.
Then, for the specific bug, it's verified by the unit test:
but of course, it requires that you are set to run unit tests....
you can also test by installing redcore, redform, and redevent, then browse the backend pages of redevent and redform.
Sorry, I am not set to run unit tests, yet. Please could you ping two person that are set to run unit tests, so that we could test and fixed this issue in JoomlaCode? There is only 17 issues open, including 3 RTC and 3 Pending...
i will ask people on redweb...
tested... works fine
Tested, it works ok
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2014-08-13 01:01:32 |
added issue in tracker: