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avatar Hackwar
6 Mar 2014

#2146 tried to fix a broken version comparison that was there, but did it in a wrong way. The schema was compared against the Joomla version, although the two have actually very little in common.

$this->schemaVersion is the schema version stored in the database. $this->changeset->getSchema() is the latest available file in the respective folder of com_admin. Those 2 should be compared and not $this->schemaVersion with the Joomla version.

Since before #2146 it only compared the first 5 characters of the schemaVersion and the Joomla version, the check was always positive for all Joomla 2.5.1x versions and it only wanted to update for new Joomla 3.x.x versions, but didn't really react during development time. Introducing the version comparison showed that bug, but didn't really fix it. This PR should do that.

Mea culpa.

avatar Hackwar Hackwar - open - 6 Mar 2014
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 6 Mar 2014
Labels Added: ? ?
avatar komodore
komodore - comment - 7 Mar 2014

In Your patch is error:
is: $this->changeset->getschema()
corrrect is: $this->changeSet->getSchema()

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 7 Mar 2014

Please create a tracker item and cross reference here.

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 7 Mar 2014

PR works fine:

Database schema version (in #__schemas): 3.2.3-2014-02-20.
Update version (in #__extensions): 3.2.3.
Database driver: mysqli.
82 database changes were checked successfully.
137 database changes did not alter table structure and were skipped.
avatar sovainfo
sovainfo - comment - 7 Mar 2014

Should also use $this->changSet->getSchema() as parameter in the message. Maybe the message can be reworded as well:
Database structure at version (#1), CMS expects version (#2). Press Fix to resolve.

Original issue [32179] in JC.

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 7 Mar 2014

Fixed in both PRs.

avatar sovainfo
sovainfo - comment - 7 Mar 2014

That only leaves the override in Hathor.
Tried to contribute those changes to your patch-12 branch, failed with 404 from github!

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 8 Mar 2014

I confirm Hathor has also to be patched and, please, again, create a tracker on joomlacode as we have not switched to JISSUEs

avatar jms2win
jms2win - comment - 9 Mar 2014

Another solution to this issue that avoid modifying multiple files could be to modify the models/database.php to cleanup the getSchemaversion function.

Here it is the code that I propose.

public function getSchemaVersion()
    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    $query = $db->getQuery(true)
        ->where('extension_id = 700');
    $result = $db->loadResult();

if ( !empty( $result)) {
// Cleanup the schema version to just keep the (nn.nn.nn)
if ( preg_match( '#([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)#', $result, $match)) {
$result = $match[1];

    return $result;

So that, the other files does not need to be changed.

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 9 Mar 2014

That unfortunately does not work, since we actually do want to compare the full schema versions against each other in order to also get the updates during development time.

avatar jms2win
jms2win - comment - 9 Mar 2014

OK - that was just a proposal to minimize the fix but effectively, I didn't took in consideration that now, you would like to check the full schema version including the date that is present after the version number because in the past, the objective was to just verify the number (excluding the date).
That explain why I proposed an alternative solution but yours is better to also take in account the date.

Well done.

avatar mbabker mbabker - close - 10 Mar 2014
avatar mbabker mbabker - reference | - 10 Mar 14
avatar mbabker mbabker - merge - 10 Mar 2014
avatar mbabker mbabker - change - 10 Mar 2014
Status New Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2014-03-10 01:55:43
avatar mbabker mbabker - close - 10 Mar 2014
avatar jmcnally1
jmcnally1 - comment - 17 Mar 2014

I'm getting this error in my database and the fix doesn't resolve it. Will your patch help with that?

Database schema version (in #__schemas): 3.2.3-2014-02-20.
Update version (in #__extensions): 3.2.3.
Database driver: mysqli.
82 database changes were checked successfully.
136 database changes did not alter table structure and were skipped.
avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 17 Mar 2014

I don't see any error in your paste. that is what should be displayed if everything is okay.

avatar jmcnally1
jmcnally1 - comment - 17 Mar 2014

Okay thanks. The reason I thought there was one was I can't edit and save existing articles nor add new ones.

This message says my database is out of date but the fix button doesn't change that.

screen shot 2014-03-17 at 3 42 01 pm

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 18 Mar 2014

Please check the forums for support. This is not the right place for that. In any case, you should check the other tab to see what the error actually is.

avatar Hackwar Hackwar - head_ref_deleted - 18 Mar 2014
avatar mafthegreat
mafthegreat - comment - 22 Mar 2014

hi guys, I am completely new in joomla, can anyone please help me how to patch this up to get my data base schema fixed? i tried fixing it from the extension manager update section and the button fix does not work. i would appreciate any help in advance. :)

avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 22 Mar 2014


This is only a view issue that will fixed with the next release. You don't need to fix it manualy.
See: http://docs.joomla.org/J3.2:Database_schema_version_%283.2.3-2014-02-20%29_does_not_match_CMS_version_%283.2.3%29
You may blame the J!Tracker Application for transmitting this comment.

If you (know what you do and) will fix it. You only need to do the changes that show here:

avatar mafthegreat
mafthegreat - comment - 22 Mar 2014

@zero-24 thank you ok so some edit on these files that are found from https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/3249/files . Can I edit the lines with using my file manager of cpanel?

avatar mafthegreat
mafthegreat - comment - 22 Mar 2014

@zero-24 thank you man your instructions were clear i edited it through my cpanel file manager and now it is ok. cheers! :)

avatar speedbird86
speedbird86 - comment - 2 Apr 2014

Hi there,

I actually modified the 3 files but still get the same error:

Database schema version (3.2.3-2014-02-20) does not match CMS version (3.2.2-2014-01-23).
Database update version (3.2.3) does not match CMS version (3.2.2).

Any thoughts?

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 2 Apr 2014

Your versions are NOT correct. Your CMS is not up-to-date. Please update.

avatar speedbird86
speedbird86 - comment - 2 Apr 2014

Updated, re-modified files and now its working great.


avatar Bakual Bakual - reference | bc1cc7f - 12 May 14
avatar Alexzxc
Alexzxc - comment - 7 Apr 2016

help me please
1054 Unknown column 'type_alias' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT * FROM #__content_types WHERE type_alias IN ('com_content.category')

avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 7 Apr 2016

Guys this is a issue tracker not a support portal. Please use the forum for support http://forum.joomla.org/. I'm locking this issue

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - locked - 7 Apr 16

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