NPM Resource Changed ? Pending

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avatar dgrammatiko
18 Feb 2021

Pull Request for Issue #32457 .

Summary of Changes

Allow the delivered SCSS files to be compiled without the need for the build folder

Testing Instructions

Check that Cassiopeia is still propely rendering

Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request

Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

Documentation Changes Required


avatar dgrammatiko dgrammatiko - open - 18 Feb 2021
avatar dgrammatiko dgrammatiko - change - 18 Feb 2021
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 18 Feb 2021
Category Front End Templates (site) NPM Change
avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@dgrammatiko also same changes should apply to ATUM, and for both the template.rtl.scss file.

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Also please look for all node_modules references and copy/move them to the appropriate media/vendor folder.

Also 2: do we need jQuery for that pesky little minicolors? I can develop an es6 native script in no time.

avatar dgrammatiko dgrammatiko - change - 18 Feb 2021
Labels Added: NPM Resource Changed ?
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 18 Feb 2021
Category Front End Templates (site) NPM Change Repository Front End Templates (site) NPM Change
avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Also please look for all node_modules references and copy/move them to the appropriate media/vendor folder.

I missed those in the issue, should be ok now

Also 2: do we need jQuery for that pesky little minicolors? I can develop an es6 native script in no time.

No, please do so but make it a custom element (the reason is that all fields could be used in the subform [repeated fields] and in that case custom elements are extremely nice as they don't need anything extra to initialise their interactive parts)

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

This is the one I use since I don't remember colorPicker, it's one of the best, plus you can enlarge it for more accurate color picking. It doesn't require any CSS, but also doesn't automatically move up/down the input field if the popup isn't in the viewport.

I will try and deliver an es6 color picker version of that minipicker as soon as I can. Stay tuned :D

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@thednp I started some work on that (maybe you find something interesting there):

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@dgrammatiko that's probably better, I think I should look into it right away. It might need some work with position of the popup.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@thednp small tip here: Joomla colour field has 3 modes: hex, rgb, hsl (last 2 can have alpha, but you can make the hex with alpha as well, yes I'm not trolling this is a thing) and also the values none and transparent should be available (though buttons I guess)

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Values none and transparent need to be processed as #000000 or rgb(0,0,0) and rgba(0,0,0,0), while the last two only for rgb mode, there's no other way.

In another note I see your code for custom element color-picker, it needs some work with mousemove and other tweaks. I will take it from there.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Values none and transparent need to be processed as #000000 and rgba(0,0,0,0) there's no other way.

Nope, the value none is an acceptable CCS value for color related properties so it needs to be explicitly set. For the transparent the rgba or hsla or a hex #00FFFFFF is fine

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

That's a bit troublesome, I believe our SCSS compilers gonna crash.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

That's a bit troublesome, I believe our SCSS compilers gonna crash.

Are you referring to the colour field or this PR? Can you elaborate?

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

I'm not sure SCSS compilers like color values like #00FFFFFF.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@thednp they should I mean it's supported almost everywhere
I have no clue if the PHP scss compiler supports it but that's not a problem because nobody should use that piece of uggliness

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

I understand your position but looking at RocketTheme and JoomlArt, probably all, are still using it in 2021, and after almost a week of trial and error with the sass.js myself, i find myself in this situation where I simply have no choice.

Nobody in Joomla have any better solution for template developers.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

I understand your position but looking at RocketTheme and JoomlArt, probably all,

It's a bit worrying that people actually use in production a piece of software that has 16 open issues on spec compliance:

Nobody in Joomla have any better solution for template developers.

Well, I have one and it's open-source fork it and profit for free

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

If you're talking about your wasm repository, it's unusable in the real world.

sass.js needs an importer able to manage a more complex folder structure plus it's super slow in terms of browser side execution, but then, even if you make one, and users can accept the slow result, you can't write files with JavaScript, it's impossible outside Node.js ENV.

If you have a better one, please enlighten me.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

If you're talking about your wasm repository, it's unusable in the real world.

Did you actually read the code? Especially this part: I did this as a POC.
Also as a reminder, I don't use SCSS so I don't have a need for such a compiler...

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Which is why I said it's unusable. An end user will want to add his own custom style and or variables included in the compiled css, or add additional sources. scss.js doesn't even import files properly.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Which is why I said it's unusable. An end user will want to add his own custom style and or variables included in the compiled css, or add additional sources. scss.js doesn't even import files properly.

You don't get it. The client-side should NOT try to get the files automatically, the resolving has to happen on the server-side (both for performance and also for security issues). So this piece of crap that I wrote was a proof of how it could be done and not a polished product that you install. Also, this thing is abandoned for over 2 years, so it's pure luck that it still works

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Yes, I would really like to see a glimpse on what it can do on the server side. Behind Joomla MVC.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Yes, I would really like to see a glimpse on what it can do on the server side. Behind Joomla MVC

That's ALL

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Can that be done with a plugin or directly into a custom field of the template?

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Can that be done with a plugin or directly into a custom field of the template?

Personally, I would do that as a field but a plugin adding a field is also acceptable

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

Keep that in mind, I will ask you more about later, I probably need a stupid simple file structure, but I'm going to deal with the color picker first.

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 18 Feb 2021

@dgrammatiko can I use Bootstrap markup for the colorpicker? I'm always looking to re-use something usable that's already given.

I'm thinking of a black tooltip with top/bottom positioning, separate from BS tooltip.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 18 Feb 2021

can I use Bootstrap markup for the colorpicker? I'm always looking to re-use something usable that's already given.

You can but since the colorpicker is a Web Component you don't have Bootstrap in there (due to encapsulation). For interoperability, it is a good thing to not tightly connect the very primitive elements to one specific CSS Framework. For Eg I don't use Bootstrap, so asking me to load Bootstrap in order to use a colorpicker is way too much. In short, keep it vanilla js and css for inclusivity

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 19 Feb 2021
Status Pending Fixed in Code Base
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2021-02-19 18:47:25
Closed_By wilsonge
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - close - 19 Feb 2021
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - merge - 19 Feb 2021
avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 19 Feb 2021

Merging on review

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 19 Feb 2021


avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 19 Feb 2021

@dgrammatiko check out this thing, lemme know of anything:

Also anyone is welcome to comment :)

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 19 Feb 2021

I like it couple, of things:

Bring it on ?

avatar thednp
thednp - comment - 19 Feb 2021

@dgrammatiko my thoughts:

  • I don't like how you handle events with the binding of this, there's a ton of solutions, I will look around;
  • about events, what do you think about how I toggle event listeners? I think it's important we leave global objects free of listeners just for a bunch of fancy dancy, I consider memory efficiency top priority;
  • also notice all essential events for this functionality are implemented: keyup, change, mousemove;
  • I've changed a lot in the markup structure for easier handling of events, labels need to be labels and not wrappers (what's actually fixed in BS5), the main <input> is also the preview, it also accepts
  • what do you think about possible automatic positioning of the color-dropdown on show / scroll?
  • I didn't know Event.prototype.path wasn't supporter in FF, Safari; I will probably need your help to implement that;
  • probably need a dedicated method to update the color controls;
  • some methods should be "private"; EG: this._changeColor(e);
  • need to know how to keep the color shade after changing the hue,
  • also we have to find out how to set an initial position for color controls,
  • how can we make the cursor: NONE instead of crosshair when you mousedown the controls?
  • I already changed alot of methods, I'm considering changing even more methods to be more understandable: EG: colorBlock => colorShade;
  • in my above notes, which ones are the most critical to get this into the Joomla core, or does this stand any chance?

Cheers ;)

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 19 Feb 2021

Please create a dedicated issue for this instead of polluting this unrelated issue. No one will ever find the history otherwise

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 19 Feb 2021

in my above notes, which ones are the most critical to get this into the Joomla core?

So in reverse order, or so:

how can we make the cursor: NONE instead of crosshair when you mousedown the controls?

Css concern, don't force it in js

also we have to find out how to set an initial position for color controls,
need to know how to keep the color shade after changing the hue,

So you need some kind of state, eg in the contractor:

this.state = {
  red: 0,
  green: 0,
  blue: 0,
  alpha: 0,

then in the connectedCallback read the attribute value, pass it to tinycolor and set the etc. On every change update the state and then redraw

some methods should be "private"; EG: this._changeColor(e);

Meh, it's js there's not private

probably need a dedicated method to update the color controls;

yes, better

I didn't know Event.prototype.path wasn't supporter in FF, Safari; I will probably need your help to implement that;

use the link, it has the polyfill there, 5lines or so

I don't like how you handle events with the binding of this, there's a ton of solutions, I will look around;

You probably don't need most of them, maybe only the ones for the eventListeners

Sorry for polluting this

@thednp please create a gist with the code so I could also provide feedback there

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