Preparation: Make sure that the command shell window you will use to run npm has a sufficient scroll back history so the output of npm will not be lost.
Check the changes of this PR on GitHub. You have to expand the file with the "Load diff" link.
Verify that there are no unexpected changes resulting in an unresolved reference ("resolved": "").
Verify that no package will be removed.
Verify that system tests for this PR were passing in Drone.
On a clean 4.0-dev branch, apply the changes of this PR or simply replace the package-lock.json file in the Joomla root folder by the one from this PR.
Run composer install if you haven't done that before.
Run npm ci and watch the output of that command.
Verify that no unusual warnings or errors are issued by npm at the first step when it fetches the external packages before starting the build:js step.
Make a new installation.
Login to backend and check if things work as usual.
Install some kind of sample data to have some frontend content.
Check on frontend if everything works as usual.
Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request
npm ci works without unexpected warnings or errors.
I have tested this item✅ successfully on ca69671
NPM CI had no errors and no packages were removed.
Confirmed on clean install that no issues occurred.
Installed sample data with no issues.
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