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avatar hgh-esn
23 Jul 2020

The act. state

In the Joomla-backend, there are much ways to filter the listview. Some are selectable by various dropdown-fields, others could be filtered by some keys written direct to the searchfield (inline-filters) - as:
id:nn (nn=article-id) title:xxxxxx (xxx=mating string to the article-title)

Planes to expand inline search-filters

When working with Joomla in the backend, I find it extremely comfortable to have more matching possibilities like:

  • filtering the articles by a "comma separated" list like ID:id1,id2,id3
  • filtering the articles by an area like ID:id1-id6 (a short way for ID:id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id6)

id1....6 can be any unique article ID.

  • filtering the articles by title-strings

This is useful, if your article have titles following name-conventions

If there are titles like this:

art_str-a_str-b_str-c_str-d you can list only articles

with str-a AND str-c (by title:str-a,str-c)
or str-b AND str-c (by title:str-b,str-c)
or str-c AND str-d (by title:str-c,str-d)
in its title

Expected result

In all cases, the articles matching to the search-keys in the "comma separated" or the "area" list are shown in the listview.
They can be still combined with the other dropdown-filters.

In all ways, only the articles, matching to all active filters will be listed.

What to change

To build in this, there must be done this core-changes:


  • (build in the new matching-strings and necessary workcode)


-(change COM_CONTENT_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC for new description)

Actual result

The result of the change will expand the search-inline-filters by:

**id:id1,id2,id3,... **for a comma separated article-list
id:id1-id99 for an article-list with ids in range from 1 to 99

System information (as much as possible)

Can be build into any act. Joomla-Version - (best in J4)

Additional comments

I'm running this changes in my one Joomla-environment under J3.9.20 and it works well.
In the add. files I have some screenshots to look to.

My question

Is this wished to be build in into Joomla4?

avatar hgh-esn hgh-esn - open - 23 Jul 2020
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avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 23 Jul 2020

Add some screenshots.screen shot 2020-07-23 at 19 42 57screen shot 2020-07-23 at 19 42 57screen shot 2020-07-23 at 19 42 57

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/30175.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2020

If you have the code then please submit a pr. It will have to be for J4 as it is a new feature and J3 is not taking any new features.

Thanks in advance

avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 24 Jul 2020
Category com_content com_content Feature Request
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avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 28 Jul 2020

Hi guys,
after checking the basic-code in J4, I found that the db-access code is different to J3. So I must do some new codings and tests before setting up the code here. I'm working!

avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 28 Jul 2020

Before someone begin.

id:id1,id2,id3,... or id:id1-id99

this is okay


this is not good, it limits possibility to search title that contain the comma (or other symbol)

avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 28 Jul 2020

In this case we can do something like this:


if the search goes to 'foo' AND ',bar'.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/30175.
avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 28 Jul 2020

if the search goes to 'foo' AND ',bar'.

what if User want to search , or Foo, bar.

upd: if you meant use ,, as separator it also not helps, User may want to search title where he has a typo with two ,,.
In my experience such magic with text search, never works good.

avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 29 Jul 2020

is there any char that can not be used in the title of an article?

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/30175.

avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 30 Jul 2020

hm, can be absolutely anything that User able to copy/paste, I think.

One of possible idea, is to use another "prefix" for the complex search, where we can "say" that some symbols cannot be searched, something like:
title_query:foo,bar search title with foo OR bar
title_query:foo&bar search title with foo AND bar
In this case symbols , & will not be possible to search with title_query: prefix, but possible with title:

So existing title:foo, bar will work as usual, will search for title with foo, bar

avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 30 Jul 2020

Hello David, I found this post from you:

So I think you can help me.

I want to update the joomla inline-search in the article-view. For that I have made a test-solution in my J3.9.xx environment and it works well.
When transferring this to J4-Beta-x I found a new way to make the sql-queries as you described in that forum-post before.
Therewith I have some problems.

Let me explain:

In the search field I have this value:


That should show only the articles 1,3,5 in the listview.
It works well with this hardcoded code:

$query->where('('	.$db->quoteName('a.id') .' = :search0'
		.' OR '	.$db->quoteName('a.id') .' = :search1' 
		.' OR '	.$db->quoteName('a.id') .' = :search2)')
	->bind([':search0', ':search1', ':search2'], $array);

array is an array with this values:

Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 [2] => 5 ) 

To make the code flexible, I have to generate the query by php, depending of the content in the search field.
For that I have this code:

$input  = $db->escape(substr($search, 3));  		//string from searchfield-pos3 into workfield and escaping
$array = preg_split('/(\.\s?|,\s?)/',$input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); 	// create an array of the input-data

foreach($array as $key => $val) 
 	if ($key == 0)
		$qry = 'a.id = ' .$val;
		$where = "\$db->quoteName('a.id') " .'= :search' .$key;
		$bind  = "':search" .$key ."'" ;
		$qry    .= ' OR a.id = ' .$val;
		$where  .= " OR \$db->quoteName('a.id') " .'= :search' .$key;
		$bind   .= ', ' ."':search" .$key ."'";

$qry contains the query for the earlier used sql-syntax.

&qry   a.id = 1 OR a.id = 3 OR a.id = 5

$where contains the query-syntax for the new where-statement.

$where  $db->quoteName('a.id') = :search0 OR $db->quoteName('a.id') = :search1 OR $db->quoteName('a.id') = :search2

$bind contains the query-syntax for the new bind-statement.

$bind [':search0', ':search1', ':search2']

Before execution, $bind must be more prepared to:

$bind .= '[' .$bind .'], $array';

Then setting up the query to:

$query->where('(' .$where .')')

When executing this code it results in an error:

Too few arguments to function Joomla\Database\DatabaseQuery::bind(), 1 passed in /var/www/web26859828/html/J4.0_Beta1/administrator/components/com_content/src/Model/ArticlesModel.php on line 511 and at least 2 expected

Note!: line 511 is the position where the "->bind($bind);" statement stays.

And now my question:
After experimenting now for to days I have no idea to locate the error.

Do you have any idea?
I'm a german guy, may be it it easier to discuss this in german.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/30175.

avatar SniperSister
SniperSister - comment - 31 Jul 2020

@hgh-esn ->bind() needs at least two arguments: $key and $value, you are only passing one leading to the error.

You have two options here:

a) Multiple bind() calls:
Call bind() in each iteration of the foreach loop:
$query->bind(':search' . $key, $val)

b) One single bind() call:
Build an array of all keys and an array of all values:
$keys = [":search0", ":search1", ":search2"]; $values = ["value for 0", "value for 1", "value for 2"]; $query->bind($keys, $values);

Option a) is the cleaner one in my opinion

avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 31 Jul 2020

The right way is to use $query->whereIn() if possible or if you want to bind array you can use $query->bindArray()

From the function description of whereIn()

this function uses internally the bindArray() function

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 13 Nov 2020

@high-esn have you abandoned this?

avatar hgh-esn
hgh-esn - comment - 13 Nov 2020

Hi Brian,

... have you abandoned this?
no I haven't, but I actually have less time to finish it. I have the basic
code running in my private Environment. But there is a lot of work to do to
make it saver by a better error handling in combination with the language

If you or some other developer is interestet to have a look, let me know by
email. I will make an account to the environment possible.

greetings HGH

Sent by HGH Mobil

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--- Original-Nachricht ---
Von: Brian Teeman
Betreff: Re: [joomla/joomla-cms] [4.0][RFC] Make the search-filter in the
article-view more flexible (#30175)
Datum: 13. November 2020, 9:03
An: joomla/joomla-cms
Cc: hgh-esn, Mention

@high-esn have you abandoned this?

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avatar fancyFranci
fancyFranci - comment - 13 Nov 2022

Hey @hgh-esn, how is it going? When you need support, a draft PR is helpful, so we can have a look at your code. Otherwise it seems the topic is abandonded and we should close the issue.

avatar fancyFranci fancyFranci - change - 29 Nov 2022
Status New Closed
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Closed_By fancyFranci
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fancyFranci - comment - 29 Nov 2022

I'm closing this issue now, but feel free to provide your feature at https://github.com/joomla/rfc as soon as you have the motivation to work on that topic again :)

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