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Pull Request for Issue #29763 (at least partly).
This Pull Request (PR) integrates back the following 2 PRs from 40-dev:
Important: The 2nd fix is NOT a security fix, it only shall prevent from accidently selecting the wrong file for upload and then having to wait until the upload completes just for getting an error message which is not really user friendly when unpacking the file fails. Further server-side checks, e.g. by mime type or checks of the content) have to be implemented separate from this PR with some future PR(s).
I will later make a similar PR to back-integrate PRs #27665 and #29871 for the Extensions installer for the same purpose.
Will be added soon. Until this has been done I will leave this PR in draft status. As soon as draft status will be removed, the PR can be tested.
Will be added soon.
Will be added soon.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration com_joomlaupdate Language & Strings |
Labels |
Thanks to @mbabker pointing me to the right way for the client-side pre-update check of the second part of this PR. I really appreciate this. It should be done with a new PR. Closing this one since it does it in a wrong silly way. Additional server-side validations I'll do with future PRs if nobody else is faster.
For the first part, back integrating PR #27570 for the tile size check, I'll make a new PR.