create subform with layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable-table"
resize window
subform adjusts to window size
Also having the config put parameters into multiple columns dependent on screen size messes user logic up when you have a lot of parameters you can set. The parameters loose their context as the last one you see on the first column has potentially nothing to do with the first one in the second column (because the ones in between are off screen)
part of rhe problem is the missing flexibility in define colums for the form (parent form) itself.
Hi @Quy , I have looked at this PR (#32422) and it doesn't solve this issue. This is merely a work around where extension devs need to specifically style out-of-the-framework fields for use in Joomla. Fields offered by the framework should work correct on any breakpoint provided by the framework.
Doing it this way is one step closer to doing it all ourselves (and create out own interface / styling). That could be a choice, but that is not why i choose a framework.
Does this make sense?
create subform with layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable-table"
resize window
Expected result
subform adjusts to window size
You have to use layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable"
Do not expect table
to do more than table
Other way, is to make new "table like" layout.
I guess will not, but depend how it will be implemented, if it even will be
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Related #28340