No Code Attached Yet bug
avatar humblehumanbeing
17 May 2020

Use a multilanguage installation
Use en-GB for backend language.
Add proper additions in en-GB.localise.php so that non-Latin characters are replaced properly.
Create an article in tr-TR, for example and add the words 'İnsanlık' and 'ayrılık' as the tags of the article
Non-Latin characters in the tags are stripped. They become 'i-nsanl-k' and 'ayr-l-k' respectively.
Notice that system puts a dash if the tag starts with a capital i (İ).
Localization file is not obeyed.

Also the tags that are added within the article are assigned to the language 'All'.
They are assumed to be in the language of the article.

avatar humblehumanbeing humblehumanbeing - open - 17 May 2020
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 17 May 2020
avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 17 May 2020

Concerning the İ
Please read #27875
and specially #27875 (comment)

That one concerned the item alias. Same for Tags.

For Tags

Also the tags that are added within the article are assigned to the language 'All'.
They are assumed to be in the language of the article.

They are not assumed such. A newly created tag on the fly is always tagged to All languages.

avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 20 Feb 2023
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet bug
Removed: ?
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - labeled - 20 Feb 2023

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