J4 Issue ?
avatar brianteeman
10 Jul 2019

Can someone more intelligent than me confirm/deny that this doc block is correct

* Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for form validation.
* To enable form validation the form tag must have class="form-validate".
* Each field that needs to be validated needs to have class="validate".
* Additional handlers can be added to the handler for username, password,
* numeric and email. To use these add class="validate-email" and so on.

The reason for asking is that we have the behaviour on pages where the form doesn't have the class form-validate eg

<form action="<?php echo Route::_('index.php?option=com_messages&view=config'); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="message-form">

And we have the behaviour on forms where no field has the class validate - there are only 19 fields that have class="validate in the entire cms

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - open - 10 Jul 2019
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 10 Jul 2019
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avatar franz-wohlkoenig franz-wohlkoenig - change - 10 Jul 2019
Status New Discussion
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Labels Added: J4 Issue
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avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 10 Jul 2019
[4.0] Behaviour.formvalidate
[4.0] Behavior.formvalidate
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - edited - 10 Jul 2019
avatar SharkyKZ
SharkyKZ - comment - 11 Jul 2019

Doc block is correct.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Jul 2019


  1. where the form doesn't have the class form-validate eg we should remove the behavior
  2. we should check that if the behavior is used on a form only when there is a field with a class="validate


avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 13 Jul 2019

class=form-validate refers to

let form = document.querySelector(formSelector || 'form.form-validate');

That's the automagic behaviour that magically validates a form without extra inline js...

avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 13 Jul 2019

... a form only when there is a field with a class="validate

The field class seems not required,
but if field has class="validate-xx" then validate.js will try to execute a "xx" validation "Handler"
Maybe it was required in the past, but not now

// Only validate the field if the validate class is set
const handler = (element.getAttribute('class') && element.getAttribute('class').match(/validate-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)) ? element.getAttribute('class').match(/validate-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)[1] : '';


This also seems not required, as @dgrammatiko already wrote.
The form may be validated by Joomla.submitbutton by use of another selector.
But I found that form-validate used for some attachToForm() thing, that I not remember for what is it ? (maybe also some old legacy behavior that can be trashed, hm hm)

// Attach all forms with a class 'form-validate'
const forms = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('form'));
forms.forEach((form) => {
if (form.classList.contains('form-validate')) {

avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 13 Jul 2019

ah well, attachToForm() it something for "live validation",
Seems form-validate not really required, but I would leave it as is

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 13 Jul 2019

@Fedik I'm not sure anymore but the class=form-validate in a form in conjunction with HTMLHelper::_('behavior.formvalidate') is a magic thing that bypasses all the inline scripts in the J3 like

Joomla.submitbutton = function(task)
if (task == "article.cancel" || document.formvalidator.isValid(document.getElementById("item-form")))
jQuery("#permissions-sliders select").attr("disabled", "disabled");
' . $this->form->getField('articletext')->save() . '
Joomla.submitform(task, document.getElementById("item-form"));
// @deprecated 4.0 The following js is not needed since 3.7.0.
if (task !== "article.apply")
window.parent.jQuery("#articleEdit' . (int) $this->item->id . 'Modal").modal("hide");

So form-validate class is for enabling some magic behaviour in core.js, the usage of the same class in the validate.js I guess acts as a fallback (?) but really I don't remember. Anyways the validate.js supports the HTML5 pattern attribute per field (with an optional custom validation message) and J4 should use that instead of the old handlers, which btw should be deprecated in J4 and removed at some point.

My point of view was that all js should be driven by HTML classes or other attributes, thus ruling out the inline scripts but most importantly making the script usage much easier, as HTML is something that most Joomla users are better than coding any Javascript. This also explains my point of view for custom elements as these are the definition of what I just wrote above ?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 13 Jul 2019

roflmao - even the js guys dont know what the correct way should be

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 14 Jul 2019

@brianteeman I'll stick to what I wrote. For further clarification go back to #14710

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 18 Jul 2019

@mbabker @wilsonge the js guys dont seem able to give a definitive answer on this - can you.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 22 Jul 2019

@HLeithner any ideas? I am convinced that we're not doing this correctly in the cms but its so hard to determine

avatar Fedik
Fedik - comment - 22 Jul 2019

I think there no "clear answer", it need to investigate and possible refactor.

The reason, originally validate.js was MooTools script, and all you see in DocBlock is for that script.
Then it was rewritten to jQuery (by someone while GSOC, if I right), and part of logic was changed/lost.
Then it was rewritten to be "vanila" js, and another part of logic was changed/lost.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 22 Jul 2019

My concern is that we are nt validating data when we think we are and/or there is data not being validated that should be

avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 23 Jul 2019

This looks terribly wrong everywhere.

  • I don't see why the classes in core.js and the validation script are the same (i'm not sure they should be having looked at it but I'd have to test combinations locally to be sure. I think the former is required for validation on submission on form but the latter is doing it as you edit the field)
  • #14710 looks just wrong on a new passover code review because we're not setting form-validate there OR passing in the data-cancel-task attribute where we removed our custom code from components
  • I think we need the activity happening in the core.js file (that instance of validation) with data attributes added as appropriate. However I'm unsure whether we need the stuff happening in validate.js or not right now as clearly at some point they overlap calling isValid function
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2019

So I wasn't being crazy in spotting this clusterf*** of validation.

It's such a mess that I am confident that we have data that should be validated that isnt

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2019

and this is why i can get so picky about correcting code comments

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 23 Jul 2019

@wilsonge, to clear up a couple things here:

  • you are right
  • You are wrong form-validate was correctly set on the next PRs. Also data-cancel-task is used only if the task is not a direct article.cancel (I think com_config was the only one with double dot notation)
  • The validation.js was kept with the previous code (with some enhancements, eg patterns and custom validation messages) because you asked so. Both I and @Fedik were asking to move to HTML5 native browser validation but we've been said to keep B/C
avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 23 Jul 2019

To everyone participates here:

  • The Joomla.submitButton() needs to know only if a form is valid or not
  • The JFormValidator() essentially does -poorly IMHO- what browsers offer natively: realtime (not exactly, it is on blur event) validation of each form field. If heurustics for this class are wrong (honestly I dont think they are, it's just confussing that the classes clash) then that should be fixed..
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2019

To be clear. I raised this NOT to comment on the code involved. My only concern is that no one knows what is the correct way to do form validation AND as a result there is data not being validated that should be OR data we think is being validated but isn't.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 23 Jul 2019

@brianteeman in the core all form validation is done by calling the HTMLHelper you commented and adding a class form-validate on the form that needs to be submitted. That is not the only way though, you can do it by using your own Joomla.submitButton or any other js logic that will trigger the form submittion but then you will have to take care of the form validation. The form-validate class used both in core.js and valitation.js essentially is a trigger for different things on each script: in core.js will bind the submitButton to the formValidator.isValid() and in validation.js will act as a heuristic so that fields gets red color and some message if the inserted value in the input is not the expected one.

I hope this makes some sense...

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2019

My english skills must be really bad. Maybe this explains my concern

There are 53 files with behavior.formvalidator

To enable form validation the form tag must have class="form-validate"

There are 54 files with class=form-validate

Each field that needs to be validated needs to have class="validate".

There are 0 fields with class=validate

Additional handlers can be added to the handler for username, password, numeric and email. To use these add class="validate-email" and so on.

There are 3 fields with class=validate-numeric
There are 7 fields with class=validate-password
There is 1 field with class=validate-password-strength
There is 1 field with class=validate-passwordExtra

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 23 Jul 2019

@brianteeman About the 53/54 I guess somewhere a behavior.formvalidator is missing

About class=validate: that's what @Fedik wrote about the validation.js and it's totally accurate. The code transformed from Mootools to jQuery to vanilla and on the way, this requirement was dropped. The validation script will validate all inputs unless disabled or hidden (IIRC)

About the classes that denote the handler: this should work as well (that was the B/C George wanted to keep) but it's really much better to use the pattern attribute...

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Jul 2019

I give up

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 23 Jul 2019

@brianteeman how about:

	 * Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for form validation.
	 * To enable form validation the form tag must have class="form-validate".
         * The submit button, if core.js is loaded, can be hadled automatically with an onclick="Joomla.submitButton('someTask', this.form.id, this.form)" where
         *  - someTask is the task that needs to be fired in the php side
         *  - this,form.id is the id of the form, defaults to adminForm
         *  - this.form is the form element
         *  - a cancel task can be passed through data-cancel-task="conponent.cancel.form", defaults to [current view name].cancel 
         * Each field, that's not disabled or hidden, will be validated against:
         *  - a pattern attribute if exists
         *  - using a defined js handler function. For, eg: a handler email the input needs to have a
         *    a class in the form of class="validate-email"
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   3.4
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 24 Jul 2019

We also have cases of the behavior and/or the form-validate class being placed on forms where there is nothing to validate

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 24 Jul 2019

The validation script will validate all inputs unless disabled or hidden (IIRC)

I am wrong here, every field that needs to be validated needs a class="validate-handler" or a pattern="some regex" according to the code otherwise only the required part is validated by default for the fields that have a required attribute. In other words, most of the backend forms don't really validate anything more than that the required inputs are not empty. Also the same goes for the J3 version, so it's not something that we introduced in the J4 repo.

I will point your own RFC here: #18995 as a reminder that the tasks for the validation were never fulfilled (not blaming anyone here) but AFAIK the scripts should be production-ready already (I mean there might be some hidden bugs but since there are 0 tests these are pretty hard to be surfaced by trial and error).

We also have cases of the behavior and/or the form-validate class being placed on forms where there is nothing to validate

According to what I wrote above there is quite some work that needs to be done here, it's not only a misplaced class. Then again most forms in the backend just test the title and the category fields so I guess what's in the repo is also fine

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 24 Jul 2019


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 29 Jul 2019

another great example of the problem #25733 (comment)

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 17 Feb 2020
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avatar wilsonge wilsonge - labeled - 17 Feb 2020
avatar jwaisner jwaisner - change - 18 Feb 2020
Priority Medium Urgent
Build staging 4.0-dev
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 18 Feb 2020
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avatar jwaisner jwaisner - change - 18 Feb 2020
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avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 15 Mar 2020

Cleanup of class vs usage #28352

avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 17 Mar 2020

Are we able to validate if we now have the same behaviour in 3.x and 4.x? My feeling is we do (even though I fully acknowledge that behaviour is probably not expected - but its no longer a 4.x specific issue)

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 17 Mar 2020

yay for html5 validation first

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 18 Mar 2020
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avatar jwaisner jwaisner - change - 18 Mar 2020
Status Discussion Confirmed
avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 23 Mar 2020

I'm happy to consider HTML5 validation. But I do want this to provide behaviour as a b/c thing for 3.x. If what we have after my PR is the same as what we have there then I can remove this as a beta blocker.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 3 Apr 2020

First test was on email validation
In J3 you can correctly have an email of name@host
In J4 this will fail

avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 5 Apr 2020

As we discussed this was from the PHP not the JS - so still looking good so far to downgrade this from beta blocker

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 5 Apr 2020

so far yes. busy today but will carry on tomorrow

avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 26 Apr 2020

@wilsonge can you please make clear what you want to be tested / compared for this issue to be marked as solved? So we track all of them as to-do list and work on them step by step.

Maybe @brianteeman can than share what has been tested already. So we don't dublicate the efforts. When there is a list we might can get some testers at the next Bugs & Fun @home event too.

avatar ceford
ceford - comment - 28 Apr 2020

Something to ponder: if a numeric field has invalid data entered the browser treats the field as empty and validation passes. For example, type in 100x in Firefox or 100+-10.5 in Google Chrome and line 243 in validate.js says element.value is empty and validate.numeric is not called, so passes validation. Otherwise I can confirm in the original question - the form does need class="form-validate" and fields with specific handlers do need class="validate-handler". The doc block wording "can be added" is maybe misleading because the mentioned handlers are already added. There is no passwordExtra handler so no client side validation that passwords 1 and 2 match.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/25490.

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 29 May 2020

Anything new with this issue?

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 30 May 2020
Status Confirmed Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2020-05-30 17:58:12
Closed_By wilsonge
avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 30 May 2020

I believe from a parity perspective with Joomla 3 this is fixed. if it's not it can be re-opened as a fresh release blocker issue

avatar wilsonge wilsonge - close - 30 May 2020
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 30 May 2020
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