Conflicting Files ? ? Pending

User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:

avatar mattiaverga
14 May 2019

Summary of Changes

This PR will add a new filter to the administration page of com_tags which makes possible to list only tags under a specific root tag.
This is useful when having a complex tag tree with a lot of levels: it lets you focus only on the desired root tag and its subtags.
When applied, the filter uses a recursive query to create a table with the subset of the root tag and its sub-tags, then the other filters are applied on this temporary table to get the final result.

Testing Instructions

Create some main level tags and some nested tags under them.
Use the new filter tab to list only tags under one main tag (or under one of the nested tags).

Expected result

When the filter is applied, the lists should show only the root tag and its child tags.

Actual result

There is no such option to achieve that.

Documentation Changes Required

The help section about com_tags should be updated with a paragraph for the new filter.

Additional comments

There seems to be a bug in displaying the tag field: setting the multiple option to false prevents the hint to be showed:

avatar mattiaverga mattiaverga - open - 14 May 2019
avatar mattiaverga mattiaverga - change - 14 May 2019
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 14 May 2019
Category com_tags Administration Language & Strings
avatar mattiaverga mattiaverga - change - 15 May 2019
Labels Added: ? ?
avatar Wolf-Rost Wolf-Rost - test_item - 19 Oct 2019 - Tested successfully
avatar Wolf-Rost
Wolf-Rost - comment - 19 Oct 2019

I have tested this item successfully on 304219f

Selecting a parent tag also shows the children (as intended):

The only issue is that the proposal list does not contain the items:

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avatar jduerscheid jduerscheid - test_item - 19 Oct 2019 - Tested unsuccessfully
avatar jduerscheid
jduerscheid - comment - 19 Oct 2019

I have tested this item ? unsuccessfully on 304219f

There is no items to select. You have to start typing the tag you want select. Futhermore the Label for the dropdown is missing.

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avatar jduerscheid
jduerscheid - comment - 19 Oct 2019

Screenshot to the failed test:screen shot 2019-10-19 at 13 30 29

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avatar mattiaverga
mattiaverga - comment - 20 Oct 2019

I have tested this item red_circle unsuccessfully on 304219f

There is no items to select. You have to start typing the tag you want select.

Yes, that's exactly how it works. It's the same for the tag filter in the Content component.

Futhermore the Label for the dropdown is missing.

As I wrote in my first comment, that's a bug in how Joomla displays the tag filter. By setting the option multiple="true" the hint is displayed, but here we need multiple="false", so it doesn't show the hint:

avatar SharkyKZ
SharkyKZ - comment - 20 Oct 2019

@mattiaverga can you please change "root" to "parent" everywhere? Root tag is an actual tag in #__tags table and its the parent of all other tags. So let's not confuse these two.

avatar mattiaverga
mattiaverga - comment - 20 Oct 2019

@mattiaverga can you please change "root" to "parent" everywhere? Root tag is an actual tag in #__tags table and its the parent of all other tags. So let's not confuse these two.

mmm I think that "parent" can be confusing: the filter will display all child levels under the chosen tag, not only the first level.
Is "base tag" more appropriate? Or maybe "starting"... I'm not an English native speaker, so I'm open to suggestions.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 1 Aug 2020

@mattiaverga Do you have any interest in fixing the conflicts and picking this up or should the PR be closed?

avatar mattiaverga
mattiaverga - comment - 2 Aug 2020

I have no more interest in this and currently I don't have free time to look at this, so I'll just close the PR

avatar mattiaverga mattiaverga - change - 2 Aug 2020
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2020-08-02 07:58:21
Closed_By mattiaverga
Labels Added: Conflicting Files
avatar mattiaverga mattiaverga - close - 2 Aug 2020

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