User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Pull Request for Issue #9287 .
added field ordering
to ignoreChanges
on #__content_types table
run the query via phpmyadmin
Create an article & save (art1)
Do some changes in that article (art1)
Create another article (art2)
In the article Item Version History the last version is marked with a star
after creating art2 the star is missed on art1 article Item Version History
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | SQL Administration com_admin Postgresql MS SQL Installation |
I have tested this item
after creating art2 the star is missed on art1 article Item Version History
did you fix the database ?
No, will retest (Fix Database after "apply Patch"?)
yes, sorry for uncomplete test info
Updated Instructions.
I have tested this item
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Before applying the Patch, I made following tests:
Created an article & saved (art1)
Some changes in that article (art1)
Created another article (art2) etc.
Actual result
after creating of art2 the star was not missed on art1 article Item Version History.
You can keep it as current version. Or to activate (select) required version for restoring (star).
@ChristineWk please mark your test as successfully >!_patches#Recording_test_results
@franz-wohlkoenig: I didn't use the Patch. My "Actual result" was without applying the Patch.
I have tested (patch applied via patchtester on a 3.9.5 installation).
Before patch, the issue is as described.
After applying the patch and fixing the database - same issue as before, no star is displayed in versions of article1.
So it was not successful for me.
@chmst please mark your test as unsuccessfully >!_patches#Recording_test_results
I have tested this item
I have tested this item
I have tested this item
I followed exactly the instructions here and there (#9287) and also fixed the database.
Result: Always 2 version entries for "Article 1" but no star before and after patch.
I have tested this item
Create an article & save (art1) > here was my failure (in previous test): I saved & closed & reopened
Do some changes in that article (art1)
Create another article (art2)
Tested again now - Before Patch: Result: no star in versions of article 1.
After applying the patch and fixing the database - same as above: Test unsuccessfully.
Edit: Sorry, I don't know, why I have h2 above instead of p
After applying the patch and fixing the database - same as above: Test unsuccessfully.
that's weird if I run the same query in this patch via phpmyadmin administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/postgresql/3.9.7-2019-04-26.sql
i got the correct result
i.e ignoreChanges":["modified_by", "modified", "checked_out", "checked_out_time", "version", "hits", "ordering"]
if I run via database fix got wrong result as you reported
i.e ignoreChanges":["modified_by", "modified", "checked_out", "checked_out_time", "version", "hits"]
without "ordering"
need some more investigation... sorry
that's weird if I run the same query in this patch via phpmyadmin administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/postgresql/3.9.7-2019-04-26.sql i got the correct result
Confirmed. The same with . It works via phpMyAdmin.
Ok so that is the situation:
The Database Fix (com_installer) only work for DDL and not with DML (ie don't run UPDATE)
The Joomla update (com_joomlaupdate) run both DDL and DML
so the easy way to test is to run the query via phpmyadmin
I have tested this item
1. test via phpMyAdmin
2. test via installation of
I have tested this item
Test via phpMyAdmin
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
thanks for testing folks
thanks for testing folks
1 database changes did not alter table structure and were skipped.
Ah, "structure" is the magic difference. Nice to know. I've overlooked that since ever. I've always messages like that when I fix a database and always thought "everything's OK now".
Thus when one updates a crashed website via FTP and uses the fix button which is (maybe) not sufficient one should recommend a final Joomla Update > Upload & Update.
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Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-05-08 10:07:32 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | SniperSister |
Merged, thanks!
Looks about right to me