User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Action Buttons for featuring articles for example in com_content/articles are Links, not Buttons.
This PR
Apply the patch and see that the featured, unfeatured function works as before.
When activating one featured button, the corresponding checkbox and the Status Change Dropdown are activated for a moment. #23717
new screen
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration com_content Layout |
Labels |
is not allowed for the button
tag. It causes the button to work as a link.aria-pressed=”true/false”
state to let the screen reader user know when the button is pressed. Then you don't need to display a modal window with a message and move the focus to the modal window.Shouldn't it be a toggle button?. Here we have a switchover of the position status.
In sort I think no. The reason is that the effect is not realtime (you submitting a form each time you're clicking on any of these). If you change the front end logic so the form submission will happen with an Ajax then a switcher will be fine but with the current code the current approach is fine
@dgrammatiko : OK, thx.
I understand that you now need to correct the code (remove the href attribute) and solve the focus problem. But I don't have an idea here.
Needs some sort of onhover visual guide to indicate to a mouse user that this is clickable
Add cursor: pointer
in CSS?
@chmst @zwiastunsw here is some (untested) code:
<?php if (empty($disabled)): ?>
onclick="return false;"
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(!empty($task) && empty($disabled)): ?>
onclick="return Joomla.listItemTask('<?php echo $checkboxName . $this->escape($row ?? ''); ?>', '<?php echo $this->escape(isset($task) ? $taskPrefix . $task : ''); ?>')"
<?php endif; ?>
The action should not be followed by a change of context. The focus should remain on the button. When I use a screen reader, the focus jumps to a modal window with a status change message and then returns to the button (it is OK). But when I use only the keyboard (without the screen reader), the focus jumps to the modal window and remains at the top of the page when the window is turned off.
You are absolutely correct. But its really beyond the scope of this PR to address this as it is a bigger issue that I raised before. The information that the feature has been changed that takes the focus has incorrectly got a role of alert. It shouldnt be an alert as an alert will always "steal" the focus.
Needs some sort of onhover visual guide to indicate to a mouse user that this is clickable
Add cursor: pointer in CSS?
Either that or an outline in CSS
Thank you for advices. I have prepared a new commit.
I have changed:
If a user is not allowed to change the state, only an icon is displayed, it is not a button.
About the message and the focus - as @brianteeman says, it is out of scope of this PR
I propose to add to the tag button title attribute calling the current status
I added a title instead of sr-only.
I'd like to make another PR for Cursor pointer and other css actions, this should be done in a own PR.
Title |
I'm sory. My mistake. I am withdrawing my positive test.
Please restore the label for screen readers.
The title
attribute is not announced by screen readers.
Adding the title
attribute means that the button also has a readable name for sighted users (e.g. when they point the icon with the mouse). The code should contain and attribute title
and label for screen reader users (sr-only)
Please retest. Thank you for your patience. If this is all right, I will change other list views in the same way.
I suggested using the title
attribute, because without this attribute the meaning of the button may not be understood by sighted users. Perhaps there is a better way to do this. I don't know. I remember what he said Karl Groves:
If I found a genie and it gave me one wish, it would be that web developers stopped using the title attribute.
(Karl Groves, December 15, 2017).
Now some screen readers will double the label. However, I think this is more accessible than without the title
attribute. If it was a toggle buton, there would be no such problem :).
See: The Trials and Tribulations of the Title Attribute
That is why I am testing successfully.
I have tested this item
Thank you for testing. The title attribute is ugly. I have isolated the column for Featured, hoping that the meaning of the button is evident for sighted administrators. But if it is necessary ...
@brianteeman What is your opinion. Because @chmst rightly says that the name of the column should be enough. Maybe I mixed up unnecessarily...
I have tested this item
I have tested this item
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
Labels |
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-02-03 22:59:28 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | wilsonge |
Almost perfect. woohoo