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For both cases the description for password field is "Enter your desired password".
In my humble opinion it would be more user-friendly to have two different descriptions for 'password' field in 'user registration' and 'edit user profile'.
E.g. For 'user registration' = "Please enter a new password of your choice here." and for
'edit user profile' = "If desired, you can change your current password here."
This could be done by changing the placeholder in ../components/com_users/models/forms/profile.xml in line 37 (J3.8.12) from "COM_USERS_DESIRED_PASSWORD" to e.g. "COM_USERS_PROFILE_PASSWORD1_DESC" (This is not being used yet).
In the corresponding language file the entries would show up like:
COM_USERS_DESIRED_PASSWORD="Please enter a new password of your choice here." and
COM_USERS_PROFILE_PASSWORD1_DESC="If desired, you can change your current password here."
Additional context
can this Issue please be answered as its open for a Week having Stauts "New"?
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