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avatar amh-mw
14 May 2012

Add imports necessary for joomla-cms #207

avatar amh-mw amh-mw - open - 14 May 2012
avatar realityking
realityking - comment - 1 Jun 2012

Could you open an issue on the tracker for this? Thanks.

avatar elinw
elinw - comment - 2 Jun 2012

Wouldn't it be better to move these to the cms folder than to have a cms specific modification in the joomla folder?

avatar realityking
realityking - comment - 2 Jun 2012

The fix isn't so much CMS specific than already fixed in the platform. Just in a different way we probably don't wanna do for 2.5.x (these classes are now autoloadable in the platform)

avatar elinw
elinw - comment - 2 Jun 2012

That's what I'm saying I think. Rather than modify the CMS version of the platform why don't we add to cms? I think we should try to keep thing as clean as possible.

avatar realityking
realityking - comment - 2 Jun 2012

Define clean? If you mean 11.4 - well than I should probably not backport all that stuff from the platform ;)

Seriously there's no harm in adding this. Yes it will be overwritten by the next full platform sync, but that's fine because it's a better - and fully compatible - fix.

avatar amh-mw
amh-mw - comment - 4 Jun 2012

If it helps clarify this patch,

13 +jimport('joomla.application.component.helper');

fixes the JComponentHelper dependencies found in the same file at

288 $result = array(JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users')->get('guest_usergroup',
301 $query->where(' = ' . (int)
JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users')->get('guest_usergroup', 1));


17 +jimport('joomla.event.dispatcher');

fixes the JDispatcher dependencies found in the same file at

466 $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
544 $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
658 $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
710 $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();

avatar phproberto phproberto - close - 3 Oct 2013
avatar phproberto
phproberto - comment - 3 Oct 2013

I'm closing this as it's not mergeable and 1 year old. Feel free to open if you update it and are still interested in get it merged.

Thanks for contributing.

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