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avatar eddieajau
13 May 2012

This pull adds the new MVC classes (JControllerBase, JModelBase, JModelDatabase, JViewBase and JViewHtml) from the Joomla Platform without interfaces. This gives extension developers the option of moving forward with the new concrete class names without generating backward compatibility issues revolving around the reassignment of JController, JModel and JView to interfaces.

Developers should note carefully that none of these new classes extend from JObject and should use autoloader rules to define where their classes can be found (no more addIncludePath type methods).

avatar eddieajau eddieajau - open - 13 May 2012
avatar mahagr
mahagr - comment - 7 Aug 2012

What is the status of this pull request? I really think that Joomla! 3.0 should start moving towards the new platform interfaces, even if it was just an option for the 3rd party components.

avatar elinw
elinw - comment - 5 Oct 2012

@eddieajau would you close this please

avatar eddieajau eddieajau - close - 7 Oct 2012

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