avatar johnverwoerd
8 May 2012

plugin plugins/systems/redirect does not work because an url is searched for the full url;
it is not found (when a redirect has been created) so a new entry is created, resulting in duplicates

avatar johnverwoerd johnverwoerd - open - 8 May 2012
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - close - 5 May 2013
avatar nicksavov
nicksavov - comment - 5 May 2013

Thanks for posting this, John! Can you send a pull request? If you need to learn how, check out this tutorial:

I also created a tracker item for this issue:

You can receive notifications from it by signing in, going to the item, and clicking "Monitor Item" in the left column.

While we’re transitioning to a new integrated tracker, the JoomlaCode tracker is where we do most of Joomla's bug fixing. You can find out more about the process at:

I'm going to close this item, since we have the above JoomlaCode Tracker Item. If and when you submit a pull request, please reference the JoomlaCode Tracker Item URL:

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be glad to answer. Thanks again, John!

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 7 Jul 2015
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Build staging

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