User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
If you activate the sef_advanced_link option (with a plugin or by temporary hardcode it in the router itself, see line 208) you get a notice error by following this steps:
Why do you get this notice error?
Because featured blog links have no "id" as request parameter.
do you know any tracker items or anything where I can find the problems with this function?
Hi Bembelimen,
Sorry, I'm not aware of there being documentation for it. See the following discussion for more information:!topic/joomla-dev-cms/ESxdBp0JkgA
Thanks for your contribution - At this time we are only using github as the place to submit code fixes, the actual reporting of issues and testing fixes is still taking place on Joomlacode.
As it has been some time since you opened this issue can you please confirm that it is still valid with the current Master or Joomla 3.2 beta. If it is no longer valid then please can you close this issue. Otherwise please can you:
1) Open an item on the Joomlacode tracker in the appropriate area.
CMS Bug Reports:
CMS Feature Requests:
2) After submitting the item to the Joomlacode tracker, add a link to the Joomlacode tracker item here and make sure that you add a link to this GitHub issue or pull request on the joomlacode tracker item.
This option is not used in core. It is a remnant of an attempt to get better SEO in a pre-1.6 stable version.
Bugsquad tests have shown that using this may have weird results.
If it can be demonstrated that this is the main culprit for the option, generally speaking, please open a tracker on joomlacode.