Change the router to experimental, (it doesn't matter if you activate also remove id from url or not);
Create a custom module, name it mycustommodule;
Edit (Added information):
Render the module with JModuleHelper::getModule():
<?php $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('custom', 'mycustommodule'); echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module); ?>
Or, install a module, for example I have slideshowck (title Slideshow CK) for the slideshow and render it the same way:
<?php $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('slideshowck', 'Slideshow CK'); echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module); ?>
I'm expecting mycustommodule or any other module to be rendered;
more details: only modules assigned to "all pages" are rendered with the experimental (new) router; everything is working ok with the standard router. Code above was inserted into error.php of the beez3 template (for error page customization).
mycustommodule and slideshowck are not rendered.
Mamp 4.2.1 with php 7.0.22 and joomla 3.8.1
Thank you
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Category | ⇒ | com_modules Router / SEF |
Title |
Well, not related to this issue, but you can get a module either by its full extension name (i.e. mod_search) or the name without the mod_ prefix (i.e. search).
It does not work in Beez. Just tested. <name>
of search module is mod_search
Will make a patch.
Understand it may not be related to this issue indeed.
You may be hitting an issue with an extension doing something in the onAfterCleanModuleList
event then. The name property that's used isn't one from the database but one set at runtime in
Either way using the full name (mod_search) would be preferred as that should always be set, but if using the name without the mod_ prefix isn't working then there's another issue to be chased down. Unfortunately with the plugin events and us using plain stdClass
objects instead of data objects with declared fields nothing is really reliable.
It's even worse in protostar error.php as not only search
will not work, but the module is not rendered at all when changed to mod_search
as there is no JModuleHelper::renderModule
I installed a new local version of joomla 3.8.1 instead of importing my site and try to rerpoduce the issue (with experimental router).
I found that if the site:
The module is not rendered in the error.php
But, if the site:
The module is rendered.
I don't know if this is expected behaviour.
Sorry to have provided little details to reproduce the issue, I'm still trying to understand.
Thank you for your work.
Error.php is not a menu item with an itemId. It is displayed when we get an error.
I would not expect restricting the module display to some menu items allowing display in error.php.
Not sure either that error.php respects multilang except for the language used.
EDIT: That last one looks like a bug.
Concerning Protostar and Beez error in displaying the search module please #18375
@infograf768 not sure I have understood 100%, anyway the complete code in my error.php to display one module instead of another is the following, based on the language:
<?php $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $result = $lang->getTag(); if ($result=="it-IT") { $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('custom', 'mycustom-it'); echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module); } else { $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('custom', 'mycustom-en'); echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module); } ?>
I confirm that ONLY if I set the language in the module tab and if I set "assigned to all pages" the content can be rendered correctly.
The situation is the following:
1- I'd want to switch to the new router
2- I want to display a custom module (customfooter1-it for italian pages and customfooter1-en for english pages) in the footer for page 1,2,3 and 4
3- I want to display a custom module (customfooter2-it for italian page and customfooter2-en for english page) in the footer for page 5
4- I want to display the customfooter1-it or customfooter1-en in the error page
So, I cannot assign the custom module customfooter1-it and customfooter1-en to all pages (which apparently is the only way to get them rendered by the error.php page with the experimental router) otherwise I will have a duplicate footer in page 5.
I hope to have clarified the situation.
@sweft54 If you want to render such module always, not depends on menu assignment and sometimes without module parameters from db then you can try to use mod_
prefix fro module name like:
<?php $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_slideshowck', 'Slideshow CK'); echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module); ?>
The other way is to assign module for all menus, you can set position to None
to not display module on other pages.
BTW: I don't see in which way using the experimental router or not would change the results for the error.php.
Experimental routing does not set any Itemid
on page /whatever
and return 404 URL invalid
but stable routing set Itemid
to home page and return 404 Article not found
As we know Joomla loads (for not yet patched error.php in beez3) modules based on menu item.
If menu item is null or 0 then Joomla will loads only modules with assignment to all pages
or to IIRC except selected
If there is no search
module enabled for supplied Itemid then the module will not be displayed.
And the issue is about this (when experimental routing does not set Itemid to home page).
The other way is:
If you try to load module by name with prefix 'mod_' as in #18375 then Joomla creates dummy object of module and executes module with empty/default settings.
For mod_custom this may do not work because if Joomla does not find any module (using Itemid) then creates dummy object with empty text and empty parameters. Module custom with empty text is useless. Some other modules also could have a problem to display content without parameters from db.
Status | New | ⇒ | Discussion |
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J3 Issue
Status | Expected Behaviour | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_By | franz-wohlkoenig | ⇒ | joomla-cms-bot |
Status | Discussion | ⇒ | Expected Behaviour |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-03-23 05:36:36 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | franz-wohlkoenig |
Set to "closed" on behalf of @franz-wohlkoenig by The JTracker Application at
Closed as stated above.
Beez error.php is wrong and should be corrected.
We should have there:
instead of'search'