Install, and press Remove "installation" folder
"installation" folder removed.
"installation" folder removed.
install with en-gb language
Labels |
I didnt get that
Category | ⇒ | com_installer |
Status | New | ⇒ | Discussion |
Unable to reproduce with staging. I didn't have to click Remove "installation" folder
button twice like you did in your screencast.
tested again: Some result
New sub domain, downloaded staging again.
wamp 64x - chrome 60.0.3112.101
With IE i see no quotes, its working correct.
IE = failed = "installation" folder removed.
Firefox = failed = "installation" folder removed.
Chrome = failed = "installation" folder removed.
Still unable to reproduce using Chrome v60.0.3112.113 in XAMPP on Windows 10.
Please check that you select : English (United Kingdom)
i also made the mistake to select English us. Now all browsers are failing.
OK I can confirm the issue with English US.
Uk you mean?
English US = working for me
These strings should be modified to use escaped double quotes, or use single quotes
INSTL_COMPLETE_ERROR_FOLDER_DELETE="\"%s\" folder could not be deleted. Please manually delete the folder."
INSTL_COMPLETE_FOLDER_REMOVED="\"%s\" folder removed."
INSTL_COMPLETE_ERROR_FOLDER_DELETE="'%s' folder could not be deleted. Please manually delete the folder."
INSTL_COMPLETE_FOLDER_REMOVED="'%s' folder removed."
Another solution is to modify .../installation/controller/removefolder.php line 117-125 to use
// If an error was encountered return an error.
if (!$return)
$app->sendJsonResponse(new Exception(htmlspecialchars_decode(JText::sprintf('INSTL_COMPLETE_ERROR_FOLDER_DELETE', 'installation')), 500));
// Create a response body.
$r = new stdClass;
$r->text = htmlspecialchars_decode(JText::sprintf('INSTL_COMPLETE_FOLDER_REMOVED', 'installation'));
I would just use single quotes or escaped quotes.
Status | Discussion | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-08-25 14:33:57 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | 810 |
i made a pr for it, so I'm closing this issue
What version of Joomla?