After the update, only Supers Users can access to the administration backend site.
To provide access again I restored the old code in the following lines in file "libraries/joomla/access/access.php" (new code has been put in comments) in order to take care again of the "$recursive" variable.
public static function getAssetRules($asset, $recursive = false)
// If the asset identifier is numeric assume it is a primary key, else lookup by name.
if (is_numeric($asset))
$query->where('( = ' . (int) $asset . ($recursive ? ' OR a.parent_id=0' : '') . ')');
//$query->where('( = ' . (int) $asset . ')');
$query->where('( = ' . $db->quote($asset) . ($recursive ? ' OR a.parent_id=0' : '') . ')');
//$query->where('( = ' . $db->quote($asset) . ')');
Has it been simply removed by error ?
I have the same problem. depends on what? does anyone have any idea?
I have this exact same problem in 2.5.14.
I've tried creating a test user. It can only login to the administration site if it is in the Super Users group.
I haven't tried reverting the access.php file to my backup copy yet, but I can confirm that the differences between the two match the post above.
I believe I've fixed this problem for me.
It was triggered by an incorrect database entry due to upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5.
There's an article about it here.
In my case JEvents had created a com_jevents.category.16 entry with a parent_id = 0, which isn't allowed. The parent_id should be equal to the com_jevents id in the same table *_assets.
I found it easier to just fix this in mysql rather than following the instructions in the article above.
Closing as a known issue resolved by
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Build | ⇒ | staging |
I can't reproduce this issue in 2.5.14. A Manager can log in back-end ok.