On my own website, roosemalen.nl, I work with a hidden menu for the blog posts. Now I have installed the last test version of Joomla and now my hidden not link work more if you click on the blog view on the title of the "Read more".
Then behind the right place suddenly 114-blog/687-aow-betaalbaar-houden example. The entire address is roosemalen.nl/aow-betaalbaar/114-blog/687-aow-betaalbaar-houden while referring roosemalen.nl/aow-betaalbaar my set menu item.
Sorry for my bad english but I'm just a simple Dutchman
Build | Joomla! 3.7.0-rc2 | ⇒ | 3.7.0-rc2 |
Category | com_menus | ⇒ | com_menus Router / SEF |
" the last test version of Joomla" by latest version do you mean Joomla 3.7 rc2 or what version of your Joomla is the "latest" version with hidden menu option?
Version 3.7 rc2
@ArjanRoosemalen Can't confirm: Set an Menu Single Contact
in Tab Link Type
> Display in Menus
on No
. Menu isn't shown in Frontend, but Link (click on "Author" in Article on Frontend) works.
@ArjanRoosemalen set Menu-item-type you need. Click Tab Link Type
(Screenshot shows Linktype
I have now done but the problem remains that the category and product id still get shown once in the address bar of the browser when you click on the title of the article or the "Read more" link.
Test on fresh Install 3.7-rc2 + Sample Sites:
Same Urls if set Menu on "Display in Menu: No".
As far as i understand you got no Article-ID in this Setting?
Test on fresh Install 3.7-rc2 + Sample Sites. Made menu-item single article for Happy Orange Orchard article and set it to "hide" and inserted readmore in article.
Clicking on readmore or on article title leads to wrong url.
Hidden menu-item works:
Did some more tests:
Link to hidden menu-item type category-blog in article seems to be ok. Link to single article (also hidden menu-item) appends article id.
@Pinkeltje so you confirm the Issue?
Yes I do confirm the issue.
Status | New | ⇒ | Confirmed |
thanks @Pinkeltje set Status at issue Tracker on "Confirmed".
I tried to reproduce the issue but get 404 on demo-site when setting "Use URL Rewriting" to "Yes":
on https://demo.joomla.org/ click "Launch Test Drive"
click Content-New Article, create article (myarticle) with read-on, create category on the fly, save&close.
click menu-item, create new menu-item type category-block, select created category, select MAIN menu, save&close.
click Menues-Manage-Add New Menu, create new menu, save&close.
click menu-item, create new menu-item type single Article, select created Article (myarticle), select created menu (hidden, no module), save&close.
test frontend, clicking read-on: no item-id in url: http://j2950aac101.demojoomla.com/index.php/myarticle
=> ok, cannot confirm issue
click Configuration-Global, set Use URL Rewriting to "Yes", save&close
test frontend, clicking new menu-item in main-menu (type category-block): 404
=> different issue, cannot further investigate this issue (Test Drive: J3.7.0)
@ArjanRoosemalen have you test "Display in Menu" in Menu-Tab "Link-Type"?
Status | Confirmed | ⇒ | Information Required |
Closed as a site setup issue and not a core bug
Status | Information Required | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-12-25 16:12:56 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | brianteeman |
PHP 7.1 & Mysql 5.7
This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/15343.