create some menu items pointing to either an article or a category blog
attach some tags to the articles
then create a tagged menu item
check the results:
the routes on each result should reuse the routes from the menu items we have created
the routes generated look like id-category/id-alias instead of using existing routes
Labels |
Category | ⇒ | com_content com_menus Router / SEF |
Title |
Status | New | ⇒ | Information Required |
@pulsarinformatique could you elaborate the issue a little bit more? Especially the step "then create a tagged menu item" is unclear.
I just meant: create a "Tagged Items" menu item, this is a menu item type, no more :)
just fill the field "tag" with one of the existing tags you used on the articles above.
Routing in tags has been a little changed in 3.7. Can you repeat it on 3.7 beta3?
Changed file
I just re tested with Joomla 3.7 beta3. The issues remains.
here is an example:
1- create category CAT1
2- create article ART1 inside CAT1. Add TAG1 to art1
3- create a single article menu item pointing to art1 "link to art1"
4- create a tagged item 'articles with tag1" menu item with 'tag1' as filter
When you click on 'articles with tag1" menu item art1 shows up (normal!)
but when you click on the art1 title you are redirected to
instead of
Purely as an experiment on a clean site can you do the same test but this time in the order 1,2,4,3 and then report back. Thanks
Yes Brian
exactly the same result. it doesn't seem to depend on the order you create the menu items.
I was checking to see if the ID of the menu item made a difference or not
Still not solved in J 3.7beta4
Status | Information Required | ⇒ | Discussion |
Labels |
J3 Issue
I see same problem in latest version of Joomla.
I have category with many tagged articles.
I have menu item to category blog with such link: /en/flowvision-applications
In this category blog If i click on article header link i see such link:
But this article is not located into science-applications category! It is located in flowvision-applications category.
I found this problem when created several menu items with category /flowvision-applications but with specified tags.
menu item with alias /science-applications is latest from tagged menu items.
Is it same error or i should create new bug report?
This error make problems with seo , i think.
Thank you
I've stopped touching the tags router a long time ago. The router can not be fixed in a backwards compatible way in Joomla 3.x. I've not fixed it in 4.0 yet. I don't know what to do in this case here.
Issue confirmed.
@Hackwar So this is very big joomla tags bug and its imposible make Joomla tag this way yes?
After you create a menuitem for the tag you still get /component/tags/tag/tag-name when you click on article and scrool down to the tag.
What are your steps to reproduce /tags/tagname instead of /component/tags/tag/tag-name ?
I have a wish list for Joomla 4.0 and reworking the tags is one of the tasks on that list. Fixing the routing would be a part of that. I'm doing my best to work on that, but I'm not going to promise anything, since it depends on my available time and when the project wants to release 4.0. Doing my best to get it done.
Title |
Title |
Status | Discussion | ⇒ | Confirmed | ||||
Build | master | ⇒ | 4.0-dev |
Is there any update on the Tags Router being improved for Joomla 4?
Could someone change the label on this to J4 Issue please
Labels |
No Code Attached Yet
J4 Issue
Removed: J3 Issue ? |
Label changed.
Status | Confirmed | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2022-11-02 10:28:34 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | richard67 |
Can't confirm on latest 3.7-staging using legacy Routing.