Apply #13288. Add a new contact and assign a linked user. You will get this error:
Save failed with the following error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'checked_out', table 'joomla35.dbo.#__contact_details'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. SQL=INSERT INTO [#__contact_details] ([name],[alias],[con_position],[address],[suburb],[state],[country],[postcode],[telephone],[fax],[misc],[image],[email_to],[default_con],[published],[ordering],[params],[user_id],[catid],[access],[mobile],[webpage],[sortname1],[sortname2],[sortname3],[language],[created],[created_by],[created_by_alias],[modified],[metakey],[metadesc],[metadata],[featured],[xreference],[publish_up],[publish_down],[version]) VALUES ('test','test','','','','','','','','','','','','0','1','1','{"show_contact_category":"","show_contact_list":"","presentation_style":"","show_tags":"","show_info":"","show_name":"","show_position":"","show_email":"","show_street_address":"","show_suburb":"","show_state":"","show_postcode":"","show_country":"","show_telephone":"","show_mobile":"","show_fax":"","show_webpage":"","show_image":"","show_misc":"","allow_vcard":"","show_articles":"","articles_display_num":"","show_profile":"","show_links":"","linka_name":"","linka":false,"linkb_name":"","linkb":false,"linkc_name":"","linkc":false,"linkd_name":"","linkd":false,"linke_name":"","linke":false,"contact_layout":"","show_email_form":"","show_email_copy":"","banned_email":"","banned_subject":"","banned_text":"","validate_session":"","custom_reply":"","redirect":""}','300','4','1','','','','','','*','2016-12-19 20:07:20','299','','2016-12-19 20:07:20','','','{"robots":"","rights":""}','0','','1900-01-01 00:00:00','1900-01-01 00:00:00','1')
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the problem seem s to be here
When you have a NOT NULL db field you should have a default value.
Like it happen in mysql.
and postgresql
There are several cases like that in mssql install file.
to add corrections you need to add update sql
see this one for instance
Works fine on my DB with manually added default values. I'll do some testing on a fresh DB, but it looks like we need to put together an update script to add all the missing default values ("checked_out" columns seem to be the most common offender).
yes, but a full revision should be done. Changes would need to be done to sqlazure installation.sql and then alter coluns in a 3.7.0-2016-12-xx.sql update file.
Also its not always required to add a default value is it is set to not null. It depends on the type in use as so wether it requires a default to be set manually.
This issue is fixed. Please close it.
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-02-20 22:03:09 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | zero-24 |
I get "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'checked_out'" errors from a lot of different things. The root cause seems to be that Joomla doesn't set default values properly for certain data types (particularly datetimes) on mssql, but I don't know how Joomla handles corrections to DB config after installation.