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avatar orware
27 Oct 2016

Pull Request for Issue #12560.

Summary of Changes

Renaming of existing PDO Oracle Driver, Iterator, and Query classes to pdooracle.php.
Creation of new OCI8 versions of Oracle Driver, Iterator, and Query classes which are named oracle.php

This primarily came up because I've been wanting to do some Joomla work that will need to utilize an Oracle database for some data retrieval, but PHP 7's support for the pdo_oci extension is not very good and it's unclear whether or not that will improve, so in order to better support PHP 7, and things that work well with it, it's best that we have an OCI8 version of the Oracle Driver, Iterator and Query classes available.

I'm not sure if the Framework's Database package is being actively maintained, but I could submit these changes over there as well too if needed.

Testing Instructions

This is going to be difficult for most, since not everybody has an Oracle database available to test with and this would really only apply to the few developers utilizing Joomla in this fashion to connect to external Oracle databases from within their custom extensions inside of a Joomla site.

I almost want to say that it would simply be easiest if the submissions could be reviewed for general correctness, but not necessarily for functional correctness due to the difficulty doing so might require.

However, generally on Windows with XAMPP and the 32-bit version of the Oracle instant client downloaded and added to the Windows Path, it is pretty easy to be able to enable your local PHP install for Oracle support. The next step would be to grab a copy of Oracle's Express Edition and install that onto your local machine or a VM, and with the sample database, connect to it from within Joomla using something like this (I added this code right before the closing body tag in the protostar template of a default Joomla install for testing from my end):

$options = [
    'database' => 'TEST',
    'user' => 'your_username',
    'password' => 'your_password',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'driver' => 'oracle',
<?php $oracle = JDatabase::getInstance($options); ?>
    //$result = $oracle->connected();
    //$rows = $oracle->getTableColumns('SOME_TABLE', false);
    //$rows = $oracle->getTableCreate('SOME_SCHEMA.SOME_TABLE');

    //$rows = $oracle->getTableKeys('SOME_TABLE');

    //$rows = $oracle->getTableList(null, true);
    $rows = $oracle->getTableList('SOME_SCHEMA', true);

    //$rows = $oracle->getVersion();
    //$oracle->setQuery('SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_ID = 123');

    $pidm = 123;
    $query = $oracle->getQuery(true);

    $query->where('SOME_ID = :some_id');

    $query->bind(':some_id', $some_id);


    //$oracle->setQuery('SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_ID = :some_id');
    //$oracle->getQuery()->bind(':some_id', $some_id);

    //$oracle->setQuery('select * from SOME_TABLE', 0, 100);

    $it = $oracle->getIterator(null, 'ArrayObject');

    $rows = array();
    foreach($it as $row)
        $rows[] = $row;

    //$rows = $oracle->loadObjectList();

    //$affected = $oracle->getAffectedRows();
    //$numRows = $oracle->getNumRows();

    //$result2 = $oracle->connected();
    echo "<pre>";
    echo print_r($rows, true);
    echo "</pre>";

More info on what I've tested so far can be found over on the Issue #12560 page and I'm happy to answer questions that might come up too.

I'm pretty sure this initial PR will fail due to code consistency checks, so I'll work on correcting those tomorrow morning.

Documentation Changes Required

avatar orware orware - open - 27 Oct 2016
avatar orware orware - change - 27 Oct 2016
Status New Pending
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Labels Added: ?
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Category Libraries
avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 27 Oct 2016

So this really isn't backward compatible, even if next to nobody uses this code. Without a configuration change, someone using the existing Oracle driver would go from the PDO connection to the new class.

For the "new" PDO class, you'll also have to add a new case to the existing switch in the base JDatabaseDriverPdo::connect() method for the pdooracle case (the driver value in the options array is used by JDatabaseDriver::getInstance() to derive the correct subclass and does not necessarily align with the cases in that method).

avatar orware
orware - comment - 27 Oct 2016

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the feedback :-).

That's definitely true, due to slight differences between the two it wouldn't truly be 100% backwards compatible. I mainly took what seemed to be the path that made the most sense to me, but perhaps we could also leave the "new" PDO named files back with their old names and use oci8 as the name for the ones that use the OCI8 functions to keep things backwards compatible if that helps meet that requirement.

I'm not sure how much backwards compatibility would be needed in this particular case though, so I'm open to any suggestions that would help make it easier to approve/include.

For the second piece of feedback regarding the switch statement, I don't beleive that's necessary, at least not from the tests I was doing last night on PHP 5.6 at home (where I have both oci8 and pdo_oci extensions up and running) since I was switching between the two and making sure both were still working properly, and during those debugging sessions Joomla was able to find the PDO Oracle driver/iterator/query files normally when I provided "pdooracle" as the driver name when creating the instance and correctly found the OCI8 one when I provided "oracle" as the driver name.

When providing "pdooracle" as the driver name this satisfies what JDatabaseDriver::getInstance() needs to find the correct file (and also satisfies what getIterator() and getQuery() needs too since the $name value has been updated to "pdooracle" within that file). Then within JDatabaseDriverPdooracle::__construct() it overrides the driver name and provides "oci" specifically (which is what's needed during the JDatabaseDriverPdo::connect() call when creating the PDO DSN string). So I believe everything's connected properly.

I think that was the main thing you may have been concerned about with this item? That JDatabaseDriver::getInstance() wouldn't fail if I provided "pdooracle" as the driver name? If there's anything else I missed just let me know.

Depending on whether or not I need to rename the PDO versions back to their original names or not to maintain backwards compatibility and come up with new names for OCI8 versions, I'll mainly just continue some testing here on my end to make sure different queries we have on my end that I can throw at the driver to test are working as expected.

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 27 Oct 2016

Didn't realize the constructor was overriding the value completely instead of checking it like others. If that's the case it'll be fine then.

avatar orware
orware - comment - 27 Oct 2016

Quite a bit of additional testing/checking was completed throughout today.

Went ahead and installed the Express Edition of Oracle on my work PC here and put together some notes and info on the tests I was running on my end here:

Testing Updates:

  • transactionCommit() - Working
  • transactionRollback() - Working
  • transactionStart() - Working
  • dropTable() - Working
  • lockTable() - Not Tested
  • renameTable() - Working
  • unlockTables() - Not Tested
  • getCreateDatabaseQuery() - Not Tested

Also added in some minor additional functionality:

  • getQueryType() (OCI8 had a useful function for this built-in)
  • copyTable() (SQL Developer gave me a hint I could use to make this work to copy an existing table to a new table and optionally include its data).

Also added some error suppression for certain cases using PHP's @ operator or by preventing an exception from being thrown in certain cases (I did this in copyTable() and dropTable()).

I put together a short intro video just to demonstrate it in action for any folks interested in testing it further (I apologize if the audio is a little low...I don't think I was talking very loud as I was putting this together and I was talking somewhat quickly):

I'll continue running some additional tests later tonight using the PDO version of the driver, but the OCI8 version feels pretty solid now.

avatar orware
orware - comment - 29 Oct 2016

Completed my testing of these remaining methods:

  • lockTable() - Working (from what I can tell)
  • unlockTables() - No issues found
  • getCreateDatabaseQuery() - Quite a bit of extra work here needed to make this one work due to the differences between what MySQL calls a database and how Oracle works (in Oracle, the whole system is typically called a Database Instance, and within this you have multiple schemas, which also correspond to users for the most part and there's quite a few extra GRANTS that need to be made when a new user gets created in order for tables to be allowed to be created, etc. in the new schema).

And also fixed a number of smaller bugs that cropped up during testing today.

The repository over here has been updated with some extra tests I added in as I was doing my extra testing today:

And I also did back-to-back testing between the OCI8 version of the driver and the PDO Oracle driver throughout today and making them more or less functionally equivalent (I compared the outputs of the tests between the two drivers and there was only a minor difference for Tests 18 and 19, where the OCI8 driver returns 1 for getAffectedRows() and getNumRows() whereas the PDO Oracle driver returns 0 in both cases).

When I originally built a JDatabaseOracle class back in the Joomla 1.5 days, one thing I added in was the ability for the driver to default to lowercase field names when retrieving result sets, since the OCI8 extension only allowed for them to be returned in uppercase format, which I felt was harder to work with. On the PDO side it's technically a bit easier since it's built-in as an option you can pass into your PDO connection, but the lowercase option wasn't turned on by default for the PDO Oracle class. In wanting to make it operate the same as the OCI8 one I've been working on here, I've set the PDO Oracle driver to now default to lowercase as well. I had wanted to integrate that option into the base PDO class, but it seemed to throw off a lot of the unit tests that were using the PDO MySQL driver so I moved those particular changes over to only be in the PDO Oracle driver class so as to avoid any potential changes to the PDO MySQL driver at this time.

Aside from trying to see if there's any sort of improvements I might be able to possibly make to the getAffectedRows() and getNumRows() methods, there's not much else further I think that's needed and the OCI8 driver should be in a very usable state.

avatar orware orware - change - 1 Nov 2016
The description was changed
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 3 Nov 2016
Category Libraries Unit Tests Administration Components SQL Postgresql
avatar andrepereiradasilva
andrepereiradasilva - comment - 3 Nov 2016

clearly there is an issue 370 files changed?

avatar orware orware - change - 3 Nov 2016
Labels Added: ?
avatar orware
orware - comment - 3 Nov 2016

@andrepereiradasilva The main reason for those extra files being changed is me integrating the additional commits that had occurred since I started working on this branch/PR the other week and merging those in (this used to be the recommended practice in the past when creating PRs since Joomla's main master/staging branches would start diverging from the branch a PR was originally based off of...typically it would get recommended that the PR creator update things on their end, so I am still going off of that past practice...perhaps things have changed recently?).

avatar csthomas
csthomas - comment - 16 Dec 2016

IMHO you should try to rebase your PR with joomla staging

avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 16 Dec 2016
Category Unit Tests Administration Components SQL Postgresql Libraries Components
avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 16 Dec 2016

updated to staging

avatar orware
orware - comment - 8 Mar 2017

It would be nice to have this PR included with the 3.7 release potentially so if there's anything else I can do to help make that happen please let me know.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 22 Jul 2018

@wilsonge I guess this should go up for discussion for Joomla 4. Should we pursue this further or be closed?

avatar franz-wohlkoenig franz-wohlkoenig - change - 19 Apr 2019
PR for Issue 12560 - OCI8 Versions of Oracle Database Driver, Iterator, and Query Classes
OCI8 Versions of Oracle Database Driver, Iterator, and Query Classes
avatar franz-wohlkoenig franz-wohlkoenig - edited - 19 Apr 2019
avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 29 Jun 2019

Hi @orware thx for this PR but I think it's on the wrong place. It will not go into J3 because we don't support oracle in J3 or J4 with the cms and don't except new features for 3.x. But the database framework package could support it https://github.com/joomla-framework/database/tree/2.0-dev

So if you like to move your code to the framework it would be integrated in J4.

I'm closing this for now.

avatar HLeithner HLeithner - change - 29 Jun 2019
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2019-06-29 22:48:47
Closed_By HLeithner
Labels Removed: J3 Issue
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - close - 29 Jun 2019

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