avatar puurinternet
15 Jul 2016

Steps to reproduce the issue

Have an active joomla 3.5.1 site which you use several times a day.

Expected result

Receive no more then one update e-mail

Actual result

Got five e-mails to update joomla in 3 days

System information (as much as possible)

Setting Value

PHP Built On Linux vps-46540-826........hostnet.nl 2.6.32-042stab116.2 #1 SMP Fri Jun 24 15:33:57 MSK 2016 x86_64
Database Version 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
Database Connection Collation utf8mb4_general_ci
PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.22
Web Server Apache
WebServer to PHP Interface cgi-fcgi
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.5.1 Stable [ Unicorn ] 05-April-2016 22:45 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

Relevant PHP Settings
Setting Value

Safe Mode Off
Open basedir /:/tmp/
Display Errors Off
Short Open Tags On
File Uploads On
Magic Quotes Off
Register Globals Off
Output Buffering On
Session Save Path /var/lib/php5
Session Auto Start 0
XML Enabled Yes
Zlib Enabled Yes
Native ZIP Enabled Yes
Disabled Functions pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,
Multibyte String (mbstring) Enabled Yes
Iconv Available Yes
Maximum Input Variables 1000

Configuration File
Setting Value

offline 0
offline_message This site is down for maintenance.
Please check back again soon.
display_offline_message 1
sitename Loft in Leiden - Nieuwbouw Woningen
editor jce
captcha 0
list_limit 20
access 1
debug 0
debug_lang 0
dbtype mysqli
host xxxxxx
user xxxxxx
password xxxxxx
db loft
dbprefix w5a74_
secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
gzip 0
error_reporting default
helpurl https://help.joomla.org/proxy/index.php?option=com_help&keyref=Help{major}{minor}:{keyref}
ftp_user xxxxxx
ftp_pass xxxxxx
ftp_enable 0
offset UTC
mailonline 1
mailer mail
mailfrom xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.nl
fromname Loftinleiden
sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
smtpauth 0
smtpuser xxxxxx
smtppass xxxxxx
smtphost localhost
smtpsecure none
smtpport 25
caching 0
cache_handler file
cachetime 15
cache_platformprefix 0
MetaDesc In 50kV zijn 30 loftwoningen beschikbaar, iedere woning bestaat uit meerdere verdiepingen. Twee woningen hebben een inpandig balkon. De overige woningen hebben de beschikking over een eigen dakterras met uitzicht over Leiden.
MetaKeys loft,leiden,woning,verkoop,nieuwbouw,lofts,woningen,leyden,nieuw leyden,50kv,loft in leiden,schakelstation, transformatorstation
MetaTitle 1
MetaAuthor 1
MetaVersion 0
sef 1
sef_rewrite 1
sef_suffix 0
unicodeslugs 0
feed_limit 10
feed_email none
log_path xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/httpdocs/logs
tmp_path xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl/httpdocs/tmp
lifetime 15
session_handler database
memcache_persist 1
memcache_compress 0
memcache_server_host localhost
memcache_server_port 11211
memcached_persist 1
memcached_compress 0
memcached_server_host localhost
memcached_server_port 11211
redis_persist 1
redis_server_host localhost
redis_server_port 6379
redis_server_db 0
proxy_enable 0
massmailoff 0
sitename_pagetitles 2
force_ssl 0
session_memcache_server_host localhost
session_memcache_server_port 11211
session_memcached_server_host localhost
session_memcached_server_port 11211
frontediting 0
asset_id 1

Additional comments

Hey guys, I like that we get update mails now for new versions, but a little less of them would be nice. Also, as we have to update 60+ site we and others might consider waiting for the first bug fix release before starting to do this for all this sites.
There have been several sites where we got more then one mail, it seems as if this is dependent on how often you log-in to the backend? It might me nice to register in the database somewhere if the mail has already been send.



# of Users Experiencing Issue
Average Importance Score

avatar puurinternet puurinternet - open - 15 Jul 2016
avatar stamster
stamster - comment - 15 Jul 2016

I don't get any update emails :)
So I had to manually check for a new version.

avatar yild
yild - comment - 15 Jul 2016

One mail per 24h should be enough but it would require cron job if its not popular site that visitors would not trigger notification in this interval or in that particular time (+/- 1 hour...).
Without cron: just check date, if date is empty (it would have to be cleared when update is installed) and new update is available - send notification store date in db, on next visit check if date from db is older than 'today' if yes send notification, next visit check if date from db is older than... and so on.

This interval (days) could be adjusted by administrator from 0 - notification is disabled (value not necessary if plugin is disabled) from 1 to lets say 10 days interval.

Or just send SINGLE notification email per update.

avatar supergrug
supergrug - comment - 16 Jul 2016

Same experience for me. It's nice to tell people there is a new version available, but who in their right mind is going to update a production site on the first day of a new release? (I guess I can check the Joomla stats page to find out!) Default notification behaviour should be something like day 1, week 1, and every month after that. Or perhaps you could have links in the email that say 'remind me in a week', 'remind me in a month' etc which would flick a switch in the plugin to line up the next reminder email. The link in the email is pretty scary too as I wasn't sure if clicking it would tell me more about the update, or kick off the update process on my live site.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/11147.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 16 Jul 2016

Anything that requires a cron job is not going to be a realistic option

Anything that can suggest its ok to update next week, next month or next year is a definite no go as this could leave a site open to a security vulnerability

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/11147.

avatar puurinternet
puurinternet - comment - 18 Jul 2016

@brianteeman I would agree with you if this was a security/bugfix release. But the number 3.6 implicates that it's a new feature release, which you can choose to install on your own time or not. If there were bugfixes there should've been a 3.5.2 release.
I agree with a comment posted above about not updating as soon as a new feature comes along. In my experience with joomla and related add-ons there'll be a bugfix release or two within a week of the release of a new version. That's not meant as a complain to the developers, it's just that you can't test for all cases and there probably always will be too few site owners available that are willing to run a RC version every time.

avatar coaleb
coaleb - comment - 20 Jul 2016

I have to disagree with the notion of one email per 24 hours being acceptable, this is still way too many. One email per release should be the maximum. I've been getting bombarded with emails lately from production sites & testing sites alike, and I can't say I'm very happy about.

Production sites are typically slow to update (since the need for stability and reliability are far more important than the need for bleeding edge updates), so with the current implementation I either need to go through all of the sites I manage and disable the plugin (which defeats the purpose of having it in the first place) or look forward to months of spam from the Joomla sites I manage. Not good.

avatar supergrug
supergrug - comment - 20 Jul 2016

@coaleb Yes, if timed/scheduled emails are problematic, then once per update is fine as far as I'm concerned. I only run one site and must have had 4-5 emails in less number of days. It's nice that the system now encourages people to update but ultimately it's their problem if they don't. As I said earlier, updating ASAP seems crazy given that many Joomla sites are dependent on third party components and many of these are written by very much part time guys who may not have had time to release versions compatible with the latest release of Joomla. I wonder if there is a way for the JED to be interrogated by each the Joomla update script to first advise the site owner just which extensions installed on a site are advertised as supported with the new version being installed and which ones aren't?

avatar coaleb
coaleb - comment - 20 Jul 2016

I agree, it would be nice if Joomla was more proactive when it comes to ensuring extension compatibility. As it stands now, even querying JED wouldn't help much because it still considers 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 as "3.x" even though these releases have considerable differences.

Updating core Joomla has always been a crap shoot, so it doesn't really make sense to be this aggressive about it. It's something that needs to be done cautiously, and can take weeks or even months. In some cases, even years (I know some of you are shuddering at the thought).

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2016

I am setting this to Needs Review so the CMS maintainers can make a decision.

Personally I would not be in favour of any changes proposed.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/11147.

avatar coaleb
coaleb - comment - 20 Jul 2016

I understand that from a developer POV it doesn't make sense to continue running a site that's even -0.0.1 out of date because of security implications, but in the real world use-case scenarios the idea of blindly updating a production site to the latest version is asking for trouble. As @supergrug mentioned, it usually takes weeks for 3rd party extensions to catch up, and site managers need time to test the new version, see what it breaks, what needs to be updated, what needs to be replaced, etc. Not to mention if your in a client-vendor relationship, you need time to convince your client it's worth the risk & cost. Daily spamming of every Super User does not change this and reflects on Joomla poorly. As I said before, the result will be most people disabling the plugin altogether, which means even more people will be running out of date versions IMHO.

avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 20 Jul 2016

and site managers need time to test the new version, see what it breaks

therefor we have Beta and RC releases on stable time all website managers and developers should be allready tested for regressions and reported it back to the project so we have a real stable. ;)

avatar coaleb
coaleb - comment - 20 Jul 2016

In Joomla Utopia where every web manager has unlimited hours of the day to test every RC version and report their findings to the project pre-release and 3rd-party developers are not guys in their rooms late nights with jobs, school and families this would be great, I agree. And it still doesn't change the fact that daily update nags via email is just a bad idea. Ask anyone running Windows 7 or 8 in the last year. I'm sure Microsoft can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to upgrade to Windows 10 immediately given how much more secure it is and that it was being offered for free. Yet some of their users went so far as to sue Microsoft because of the damage the unwanted update did to their livelihood. Just saying.

avatar ot2sen
ot2sen - comment - 20 Jul 2016

Has anyone noticed a difference in how many of these mails are sent from
various sites?

I have been thinking "too many" from a few sites where 3 mails were sent in
a few days, while getting 0-1-2 from other sites.
Is there a set default value, and if so why would different amount of mails
be sent from different sites, where no settings for this was touched?


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 9:46 PM, coaleb notifications@github.com wrote:

In Joomla Utopia where every web manager has unlimited hours of the day to
test every RC version and report their findings to the project pre-release
and 3rd-party developers are not guys in their rooms late nights with jobs,
school and families this would be great, I agree. And it still doesn't
change the fact that daily update nags via email is just a bad idea. Ask
anyone running Windows 7 or 8 in the last year. I'm sure Microsoft can't
understand why anyone wouldn't want to upgrade to Windows 10 immediately
given how much more secure it is and that it was being offered for free.
Yet some of their users went so far as to sue Microsoft because of the
damage the unwanted update did to their livelihood. Just saying.

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avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2016

It depends on how active your web site is. Otherwise it would need to be a
cron job

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - close - 20 Jul 2016
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2016

This is not going to be changed

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 20 Jul 2016
Status New Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2016-07-20 20:19:11
Closed_By brianteeman
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - close - 20 Jul 2016
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 21 Jul 2016
Labels Added: ?
avatar bcraigie
bcraigie - comment - 8 Aug 2016

I got 232 emails from one site. This needs to be changed, and imho, it should not be be up to one person to dictate "this is not going to be changed". Listen to everyone else please. Even just once per day would be better than one every 2 minutes!

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 8 Aug 2016

There is definitely something wrong with your site if that happens as it
should only be sent once per 6 hours (if my memory serves me right)

On 8 August 2016 at 22:56, bcraigie notifications@github.com wrote:

I got 232 emails from one site. This needs to be changed, and imho, it
should not be be up to one person to dictate "this is not going to be
changed". Listen to everyone else please. Even just once per day would be
better than one every 2 minutes!

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Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ggppdk
ggppdk - comment - 8 Aug 2016


out of curiosity
if you go to extensions / manage

and then click "options" button, how many hours is the setting that you have ?
for parameter:
Updates Caching (in hours)

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Aug 2016

I have kept one site not updated so i could monitor this and that site has sent no more than one email approximately every 6 hours which is as expected

avatar bcraigie
bcraigie - comment - 9 Aug 2016

Aha! The site that gave me 232 emails had Updates Caching set to zero. Other sites (with normal 6-hourly emails) all had 6 hours set for the caching. Thank you @ggppdk !
Thank you also @brianteeman

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Aug 2016

Glad we resolved that ;)

On 9 August 2016 at 11:05, bcraigie notifications@github.com wrote:

Aha! The site that gave me 232 emails had Updates Caching set to zero.
Other sites (with normal 6-hourly emails) all had 6 hours set for the
caching. Thank you @ggppdk https://github.com/ggppdk !
Thank you also @brianteeman https://github.com/brianteeman

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Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ggppdk
ggppdk - comment - 9 Aug 2016

Aha! The site that gave me 232 emails had Updates Caching set to zero

This notification emails thing, needs some fixing


what does zero cache time mean ?
1. means never check
2. check continuesly ?

The code tries to do what ?

  • maybe change the XML file to have minimum allowed value: 1 (hour)
  • patch the plugin file of notifications to ... ?

what do you think ?

avatar ggppdk
ggppdk - comment - 9 Aug 2016

To be more clear,

When cache time is zero

  • the installer will try to get updates on every visit / load of the page ? which is ok right ?
  • but the notification plugin will send too many emails, which is not good !

the notification plugin needs patching
i think we need to re-open this ?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Aug 2016

no - we dont need to reopen this.
and there is an existing issue for when cache is zero

On 9 August 2016 at 11:37, Georgios Papadakis notifications@github.com

To be more clear,

When cache time is zero

  • the installer will try to get updates on every visit / load of the page right ? which is ok right ?
  • but the notification plugin will send too many emails, which is not good !

the notification plugin needs patching
i think we need to re-open this ?

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Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ggppdk
ggppdk - comment - 9 Aug 2016

and there is an existing issue for when cache is zero

can you link to it ?

Also it seems none of the people posting here knew,

  • that the "Updates Caching (in hours)" setting at installer configuration is used by notification plugin

I did not know either , i saw after looking at the code (i link to config.xml and to the plugin line that uses it)



Also there is no warning or info in the configuration about using it for email notifications
I stress again that noone here replied about this setting

Please look at this picture:

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Aug 2016
  1. #9789 is the other related issue
  2. We can always change the language string by simply removing the word "extension"

On 9 August 2016 at 14:58, Georgios Papadakis notifications@github.com

and there is an existing issue for when cache is zero

can you link to it ?

Also it seems none of the people posting here knew,

  • that the "Updates Caching (in hours)" setting at installer configuration is used by notification plugin

I did not know either , i saw after looking at the code (i link to
config.xml and to the plugin line that uses it)



Also there is no warning or info in the configuration about using it for
email notifications
I stress again that noone here replied about this setting

Please look at this picture:
[image: updates_caching_param]

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Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ggppdk
ggppdk - comment - 9 Aug 2016

Ok , thanks i see it now

avatar puurinternet
puurinternet - comment - 16 Aug 2016

If I would extend the current plugin to include the option to limit the number of mails per site, would you consider accepting that kind of a pull request?

avatar shoulders
shoulders - comment - 2 Feb 2018

I like many other people just turn this off, is a nice idea but i cannot handle all of the emails. Not allowing the following options actually hinders the adoption of new updates:

1 email per day/week/month are suitable options.

The current options for developers is lots of emails or none.

I did not open a new issue but thought it was important to let you know this is a very unpopular feature.

avatar stefanscheid
stefanscheid - comment - 18 Apr 2021

Fully agree.

If one is not regularly working with a tool, it can be a needle-in-a-haystack job to find such a a setting.
Thanks for that comment!

BTW, joomla behaves that way , even after 4 years.
Switched it off now. When a CMS is not monitored anyway, that email also doesnt help :-D

br S.

avatar banchaa
banchaa - comment - 5 Sep 2022

I have a few websites to maintain and getting that many triggered emails within that small-time gap is very annoying. I would even like to have a week reaction time, so I can check if all extension come along..

Customers were calling me to get the Spam e-mail fixed.

Just give anyone the option to choose whether they want to receive one update notification or multiple. And Joomla can set as default value its own idea, but please don't force users to deactivate the entire plugin. One condition and a database entry.

avatar shoulders
shoulders - comment - 5 Sep 2022

Anything that requires a cron job is not going to be a realistic option

Anything that can suggest its ok to update next week, next month or next year is a definite no go as this could leave a site open to a security vulnerability
This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/11147.

There is now a cron system in Joomla 4

I cant believe this has been closed. the first thing I do is disable this plugin because without this setting it is stupid.

avatar rvalitov
rvalitov - comment - 23 Apr 2023

Issue closed without a fix? Joomla 4 still sends plenty of emails and I see no options in the interface to adjust it.

avatar chmst
chmst - comment - 23 Apr 2023

See here: #11707 (comment)

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